Don’t Look Around, Look Up!

You shall make a window for the ark, and you shall finish it to a cubit from above…

Genesis 6:16

If you were to build a large ship, where would you put the windows? Most likely, you would put them at the sides of the ship so that the passengers and crew can look outside, wouldn’t you? God, on the other hand, told Noah to put the window of the ark at the top.

God said, “You shall make a window for the ark, and you shall finish it to a cubit from above…

I believe that God didn’t want the ark to have windows at the sides for three reasons.

First, God didn’t want Noah and his family to hear all the mockery of the people outside: “Noah’s building a boat on dry land. Silly old man!”

Second, He didn’t want Noah and his family to look at all the corruption and pollution on the outside either.

Lastly, God didn’t want Noah and his family to look at the death and destruction all around them.

He wanted them to look up—toward heaven, toward Him.

My friend, it’s the same for you today. God doesn’t want you to focus on the naysayers, who may mock the dreams that He has birthed in your heart. He doesn’t want you to focus on the death and destruction that’s happening in the world and become afraid.

God wants you to look upwards to Him. He is your peace, your provider, your healer, your protection, your refuge—He is your true ark! Keep looking to Jesus and you will be at rest and enjoy His blessings no matter what is happening all around you today!

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Noah—The Real Story


  • Sharon says:

    Praise B 2 God Most High El Elyon Elohim El Shaddai YHVH Rapha Shalom Rohi Jireh “and so on” He Is The Great I AM, Amen🙏

  • Denis says:

    It really inspired me cause I am currently facing lot of trials and temptations. And above all its all happening when success is just at the corner. I donnot wanna turn arround, I donnot wanna listen to what people say . I am a child of and I beleive that I will get there. Thank you lord.

  • Denis A. says:

    Father bless and protect us

  • dolly says:

    Really blessed by this word.

  • Samuel Njoroge says:

    Pastor your teachings r a blessing to me I love the revelations God is reviling to me through calling is teaching the word of God. How can I know it’s God speaking because sometimes I feel like theas slot of voices that speaks I just want to the will of God

  • Toby Babelay says:

    After praying for back healing four years, I’m still in horrible pain following Disk surgery. The verdict: Scar tissue and permanent nerve damage. I’ve been on numerous pain meds — presently Oxycodone & Oxycontin. Now housebound, I listen to your sermons, Pastor Prince, sometimes three times daily. They’re helpful, comforting, powerful and encouraging. Always, they give me hope. Even though several surgeons declared, “There is no hope — you’ll live with pain the rest of your life.” Still, I refuse the word “permanent.” Several times weekly I’ve taken communion, thanks to your CD & booklet. Still no healing. Somewhat discouraged, I will NEVER give up hoping and praying. Maybe like Job, I will never blame God, no matter how bad the circumstances. Saved at the young age of five, it forever took. Never have I disbelieved for a second. My family and I attended a “thou-shalt-not” Church (with few thou shalt’s) where one had to be saved (or rededicate) on a weekly basis. I truly believed God could never be pleased, satisfied or appeased; He was just waiting to spoil my fun.

    Sorry this isn’t a “health healing testimony.” However, even with forced isolation, I’m FREE for the first time in my life — thanks to your awesome teachings. I could easily be whiny, tearful, bitter, angry, and then some So many wrong judgement calls by Doctor’s & Surgeons could have left me bitter & unforgiving. Instead, your sermons, books & CD’s introduced me to GRACE during my confinement. I’m delighted to embrace “GRACE” with a caring God who loves and accepts me in my condition. And even when I forget to be thankful, don’t pray enough or stay in the Word. Feelings I used to beat myself black ‘n blue over no longer exist. Today, even through escalating pain, I feel joy, peace, forgiveness and warm contentment.

    Yes, I’d give anything to fall asleep without pain, then awaken without grasping for Oxy narcotics. A dog shouldn’t suffer this way, much less a once lively 80-year old lady, who could live to 120. But no matter what, I will never, ever give up hope of healing.

    Brain washed with everything bad “is God’s Will,” I slowly plowed through that with your help. Thanks to your wonderful teachings, I no longer believe God had anything to do with my health problems. It took months to realize, then to own, that “bitterness” and “anger” had crept into my heart. All because of an unforgiving heart. That was at least one opening for Satan to gain access.

    Truly, Pastor Prince, you are anointed by God, along with many others. I’ve been blessed with “Discernment” as long as I can remember. The Holy Spirit confirms, in my inner being, that every Word uttered by you is from God. Thank you, thank you for standing strong, never wavering and for heeding God’s call.

    I pray daily for you, your marriage & family, staff, Church and ministry. God bless and protect you and yours richly, and continue using your voice to save a fallen, lost world.

    P. S. If you per chance read this, please pray for my healing. I’ve told family and friends that “If I had to go through all this again, I’d do it to be where I am now spiritually.” And yet . . . I want my life back. I want to attend Church. Volunteer in a homeless shelter. Drive and buy my own groceries. Dine out with friends. Cook gourmet meals for friends and family. Do my own housework.

    • Mandy says:

      Dear Toby,

      Thank you for being so vulnerable and real to share your trials and troubles. Even in the midst of your trial, your sharing has encouraged me so much to believe in the grace of our Lord Jesus, and I’m so inspired by your faith in Him in spite of your condition. I teared a little reading what you wrote.

      I am standing in faith with you for your complete healing and wholeness. Standing on God’s Word that He took all your pains on the cross and by His stripes, you are healed.(Isa 53). Keep feeding on Jesus’ miracles in the gospels and meditating on our Lord’s health and wholeness. Believing with you that we’ll see a 120% restoration and wholeness in your body!

      Much love xx

    • Jose says:

      Hey I’m two years late reading this Toby but thank you for being so open and honest. I want to cry because I often complain and also blame myself for what happens in life. I also take meds for depression and anxiety it’s been years and the shame and guilt of it kills me inside. I want to say I’m praying for you and your a blessing to everyone. Love you

  • peter stephenjoy says:

    Glory To God Amen n Amen blessed message

  • Jerin says:

    Reading this wonderful Blogpost, God showed me something truly amazing. He always has your best interest at your mind. By that I mean, as a person who believes in Jesus, when you really have a dream of accomplishing something, it is God who gave you that dream. If we are trusting Jesus with our future, He will make sure that it will come to pass, no matter who mocks us, discourage us or criticize us.

    So step out in the God-given dream and fulfill His plan and purpose in your life by His grace.

    Thank you, Pastor Joseph Prince.

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