The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
Psalm 37:23, NLT
God wants you to commit every matter to Him so that He can direct your steps and lead you to success. It delights Him to see His children overcoming every challenge and enjoying good success.
The Bible tells us that God has given us His Holy Spirit to lead us and teach us all things, and to bring to our remembrance God’s Word (John 14:26). So when you meditate on His Word and trust the Spirit to open up the scriptures to you, the Spirit will reveal the Lord’s grace for you through the scriptures you are meditating on. He will shed light about God’s heart, favor and supply that is specific to your need, and lead you with inward promptings to do what is best in your situation.
I’ve also found that praying often in the Spirit sensitizes me to His leading and promptings. So pray in tongues often and expect Him to lead you by His wisdom, peace and right timing to experience blessed results.
Beloved, take time today to be still, to meditate and to pray, and watch Him direct you to success!
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