I was full of condemnation and avoided going to church because many areas of my life were not pleasing to God. I was bitter and resentful toward my dad for being unfaithful and leaving us to be with his lover.
I also hated and condemned myself because I committed the same mistake my father did by having a secret relationship with a married man for almost two years.
Two years ago, I started attending the services at New Creation Church and listening to Pastor Joseph Prince’s teachings on the gospel of grace.
I began to believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. His unconditional love has set me free from condemnation and I know I am truly forgiven.
I practiced what Pastor Prince taught and kept declaring over and over again that I am the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ.
I also believed that I could not overcome my challenges by my own efforts but by the power of His finished work. His love and forgiveness began to fill the emptiness in my heart and I began to let go of the illicit relationship.
Within a month, the Lord set me free from the bondage and I was able to end my relationship with that man completely.
Soon after that, my relationship with my mother was restored. We spent quality time together and our relationship grew stronger and deeper. The Lord also restored my broken relationship with my dad. I was able to love and forgive my dad because my heart is full of the Lord’s love and forgiveness.
Every time I meet my dad, we would partake of the Holy Communion together and pray for each other in the Spirit.
Thank you, Pastor Prince, for sharing the gospel of grace. It has completely changed my life and transformed my family relations.
We now truly believe that we are children of God and that we are righteous through Christ who has fully redeemed us at the cross.
All praise and glory to Jesus! Hallelujah!
The writer has requested to remain anonymous | Singapore
Hallelujah Praise God for His grace I also have skin problems on my chest I’m always praying and believing God for a clear skin but I have never taken communion alone I believe I have to do so thank you for the teaching Healed by Grace Australia
You are going to be my favorite person ever and I’ll be your number one person you can be like a friend for me.