I have been working at a large financial institution for over eleven years. Although I was a high performer and known as someone who could save any failing project and get it back on track and back on budget, I became frustrated that I never received a performance-based promotion in the past eleven years.
Truthfully, I believed that God must not want me to get promoted and that He didn’t want to bless me, at least not in this area of my life. Even my co-workers commented to me that they didn’t understand why I was constantly passed over, and they would have quit by now if they were treated as I have been.
I started listening to Pastor Prince regularly at the beginning of the pandemic, and I learned from him that I can claim that promotion and favor with my bosses and co-workers and truly expect to receive it simply because God loves me and wants good things for me.
When Pastor Prince told us to trust God for three things last year, one of the things I asked for was a promotion in my job. In spring, I was promoted and given a significant pay increase. I was so excited. A few months later, I learned that God wasn’t done!
I was asked to apply for a job opening where I still reported to my boss, and that would be another promotion. Although I didn’t fully qualify for the job, I applied for it and got it. I boldly asked for and received another pay increase. When my boss gave me my second promotion with the second pay increase, he reminded me that this is uncommon and that the leadership decided I was worth it, so they gave me the second promotion and additional pay increment.
Isn’t God amazing? When I started believing in His love and grace toward me, I effortlessly saw the leadership acknowledging and valuing me after eleven years of struggle.
Thank you so much, Pastor Prince, for teaching me to trust in God’s unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor. I now have a job I love, a boss who values me, and great career growth opportunities. Through your ministry, I am walking more closely with the Lord and believing that God is truly good and has only good things in store for me. I also joined a local church and have begun to teach the grace message during Sunday school, and I am seeing lives changed.
Thank you so much for all you do to advance the grace message around the world!
Sara Carson | North Carolina, United States