Pastor Prince, I became extremely sick with the horrible flu over a year ago. Two weeks after recovering, I fell sick with a cold for two more weeks. Then, a month after recovery, I fell sick again for another week. A couple of months after this last bout, my hair began to fall out in huge chunks whenever I combed it.
I am twenty-nine years old and have always been blessed with thick, long hair. The amount that fell out was so great that I noticed a difference in my braids. Even when I showered, chunks of my hair would fall out. I was worried my hair would thin so much that I would appear balding. I began praying, sometimes even begging God to stop my hair loss.
I hunted down scriptures such as 1 Corinthians 11:15 about my hair being a glory to me, Luke 21:18 about not one hair on my head perishing, Song of Solomon 7:5 about captivating tresses of hair, Judges 16:22 that my hair, like Samson’s, would begin to grow back, and Psalm 23:1 about not lacking (even hair).
During a flow of healings in your sermon The Secret of Obed-Edom’s Blessings, you declared healing and restoration to a woman who was very concerned about a significant hair loss. I did not get to hear your sermon that day, but when I could finally view the sermon a week or two later, I received the words you spoke and your reassuring smile that encouraged me that it would indeed happen for me.
My healing manifested gradually over the next month as I held on to the healing God spoke through you. Toward the end of the month, the major hair loss ended, and new growth began.
All honor, glory, and praise to the Lord! Thank you for ministering His grace.
Karen S | Oregon, United States