After graduating from the university in 2009, I developed a strong obsession with starving myself, a condition known as anorexia. Being anorexic seemed so easy because of the discipline that I had developed as a distance runner and musician.
For two years, between the age of twenty-one and twenty-three, I would exercise three times a day and only eat a quarter of a sliced apple and a handful of nuts for breakfast, and meatless salads for dinner.
I weighed eighty pounds and almost died on three different occasions due to malnutrition.
During this period, my relationship with God was icy cold. I am a pastor’s child so I knew from the onset that I would either be one hundred percent into Jesus or not at all. I chose the latter. I also believed that God rewarded me whenever I excelled in my studies or athletics, but if I forgot to do something right or if I did something wrong, He would punish me.
One day, while trying to look for a figure-skating event on television, I ended up tuning into a Christian broadcast program. I tried to change the channel at least six or seven times without success. I even turned off my TV but the program was still there when I switched it on again.
I told myself then, “Great, I really want to watch TV now and I don’t want to see or hear from any preacher. But God clearly wants my attention. And this preacher has a strange accent so I’m going to listen attentively to hear what he has to say!”
Well, the message that Pastor Joseph Prince was preaching then was about the Holy Spirit. He portrayed Jesus with such conviction and tenderness that it pierced and penetrated my heart, so much so that tears streamed down my face during the entire message. After watching that sermon, I decided to re-dedicate my life to Jesus.
I never went to a specialist for help. I began to see Jesus as my healer and put Him to the test. I started declaring that He was my nutritionist and that as He is, so am I in this world.
The results were not immediate. Some days were more challenging than others. But I stuck to my confession because I knew that faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.
Eventually what I confessed was manifested in my healing and my physical appearance.
Today, I am twenty-eight years old and am completely liberated from anorexia. I know that I am deeply loved by my heavenly Father. I am flourishing in my career as a fashion model, violinist, and singer-songwriter. I also apply what I learn from your sermons even while worship pastoring. What I have freely received from this ministry, I freely give to others.
Pastor Prince, may God continue to pour out His good treasure upon you and your family, ministry, and church!
Amber Deana | New York, United States
We thank our Heavenly Father for His Love.Amen