I was involved in a car accident last January while driving to church with my children. My neck and lower back were affected by the impact, and I was in debilitating pain throughout most of the year. I received physical therapy, chiropractic care, and underwent 3 procedures—2 in my back and 1 in my neck to reduce the pain.
By the end of October, I began to feel very discouraged as I seemed to be getting worse even after all the treatment and rest I was receiving. My husband had taken a lot of time off work to help me with our children as I woke up stiff many mornings, not being able to move and needing ice for relief.
One morning, I felt the Lord lead me to receive the Communion and to believe Him for my healing. My husband and I began to partake of the holy Communion together every morning. We happened to have Joseph Prince’s book Eat Your Way to Life and Health, so I began reading it every morning too.
After just a week, I noticed my pain was completely gone! Today I’ve stopped going to physical therapy and to the chiropractor because I have no more need of them. I have been healed! It has been life-changing to be made aware of what Jesus purchased for me and my family on the cross. We continue to partake of the Communion daily because it is so life-giving to us!
Thank you, Pastor Prince. Your ministry has changed my life and introduced my husband and me to the gospel of grace!
Coryn Epps | California, United States
Please pray for my husband he is trying to find a job in Caledon where me and the kids stays. He is been struggling for more then 2years now to find a job he went for interviews but then the post were re advertised. I know my God is able to make a way. His name is Ian Martin. Thank you