Praise Report: Back to College, All Fees Paid

I started listening to Joseph Prince’s sermons three years ago when I failed to go to college because of a lack of money for school fees. I was so depressed and stressed to the point of even contemplating suicide.

Being born out of wedlock and raised by my mom, I was bitter toward my dad for neglecting me and never caring about my education. Then, a friend gave me Joseph’s Destined to Reign book. After reading the book, I felt a peace I never felt before and allowed God to start working in my life. I finally forgave my dad and felt like a burden was lifted off my shoulders. Since then, the Lord has been providing for me, and my life has been getting better.

I was also addicted to pornography since my high school days. The Lord delivered me from the addiction through my confessing my righteousness in Christ Jesus. Last year, the Lord brought someone into my life who helped me get back to college and paid all my college fees. All glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ and thanks, Pastor Prince, for helping me find a Dad that I had been longing for for the past twenty years of my life.

Allan Makhulo | Kenya