Praise Report: Freed from 40-Year Smoking Addiction, Lungs Restored

I am in my late fifties and was completely delivered from a smoking addiction I had since tenth grade. I was three quarters of the way through Joseph Prince’s book Glorious Grace—100 Daily Readings from Grace Revolution when it happened. Not only was I delivered from smoking cigarettes, but I was also completely healed of any side effects of smoking for so many years.

My sinus has been cleared, my lungs are completely restored. I have no sign of early emphysema (lung condition that causes shortness of breath) anymore! God is so faithful. He not only took away the desire effortlessly with NO withdrawals, but He also healed me such that it is as if I had never smoked! Thank you, Pastor Prince, for preaching the true gospel of grace to my heart.

Prior to this, I relapsed the year before and condemnation took over my soul. But a year later, I was free once more and for good this time. I have no desire to smoke. I want to add that it wasn’t the Lord who took a year to free me the second time. It took me a year to be freed from the condemnation over failing. I never read in the Bible of anyone who was delivered a second time from the same sin, so it took me a while to find and believe the truth that I was still forgiven!

All praise to God my Father, Christ Jesus, and the power of His Spirit!

Dee Ward | Michigan, United States