What you choose to spend time on can unlock blessings for you today, and every day to come.
There’s a paradox in modern life that we often miss. We all know that the twenty-four hours in a day are precious and so we try to fill every waking moment with meaningful activity. We create technology that enables us to do and deliver what we want—instantly, on demand.
Yet, for some reason, despite the technological wizardry at our disposal, we seem to have less time than ever. And we find ourselves still unable to accomplish all that we want to. Somehow, we’re not satisfied with how many of our days are spent.
How do we as believers, really walk in redeemed time—how do we live life making every day count?
Setting Apart Time for Him
My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart. If you do this, you will live many years, and your life will be satisfying.
—Proverbs 3:1–2 NLT
How do we enjoy not just a satisfying life, but a satisfying life of many years?
The Bible, God’s manual for all believers to live a successful, abundant life, gives us the answer to this perennial question.
It’s found in going back to the Word. It has to do with knowing the liberating truths that God wants to show us in His Word about His Son, Jesus—His love, His grace, His ways. And He wants us to store these truths in our hearts.
What happens when we do?
Well, apart from receiving nourishment for the strength and wisdom we need every day, we’ll also receive a three-layered blessing for life in terms of quantity and quality! The Lord will make our days more productive, add more years to us, and provide His shalom-peace to last through it all!
Make Giving Time to God A Habit
Whether you’re a morning lark or night owl, or somewhere in-between, find a time in your day where you can delve into and enjoy God’s Word. It doesn’t need to be long; it just needs to be exclusive: just you, the Lord, and His Word. You in His presence, enjoying what His Spirit wants to show you of His grace and goodness toward you.
Here’s a challenge for the week ahead, and take no more than fifteen minutes today to get this going. Plug in and listen to a sermon about His grace. It’s okay if you can’t finish it at one sitting. You can continue with where you left off the next day. The point is to keep listening to and meditating on what encourages you in the preached Word.
Or pick up a book of devotions and read the first entry. Or find a Bible reading plan and start on it. And if you’re truly time-pressed, find your favorite verse of encouragement or promise in the Bible and meditate on it.
It’s simple to get going, and once you do, don’t be surprised to find yourself hungering for more time with the Lord.
As you begin to spend time daily in God’s Word, you’ll find His Word and His Spirit directing your thoughts, stabilizing your emotions, guiding your steps, and delivering you from defeatist habits. Our God is waiting to multiply His blessings on you today and every day for the rest of your life!
Enjoyed reading this article? Find out more in this DVD:
Make Every Day Count For The Rest Of Your Life
i am super blessed by Pstr. Joseph Prince preaching on Jesus message for him about His grace.. We in our church are always praying for Him, his family and the entire church., I am also preaching his teaching and preaching in our church and our many of our church members are healed, delivered and blessed to God be the glory ..,,
Please pray for me and for my family and for my love and relationship.. all are insulting me at my back … they are gossiping about myslef that i m unemployed.. yes i am because of my financial problem.. so kindly pray for me and for my family.
I feel God does not care for me. I was in an accident in 2012 yes he let me live, but now I’ve lost my health (TBI, PBA, PTSD, High Blood Pressure, Neck and Shoulder injuries, Back injuries, Sciatica and through the MRI they found a tumor on my brain) I lost my house because I can’t work. I’m sleeping on my sister’s floor other wise I would be on the street. I lost quite a few of my personal property. I’m 56 and any way I can restore what I’ve lost is through a miracle ! I’ve lost my faith! I’ve sowed seeds in helping anytime they need it, I sowed seeds in caring for both me parents when my siblings would not. I gave up my dreams for life and now its too late for my dreams. I’m not saying I’m perfect I’m far from it but I feel God has turned away from me. I pray that he takes me home,but no. I pray for restoration for everything I lost, but now nothing!
Hello most beloved child of God, the Bible doesnt tell us abt an easy life, living mansion, having an easy lived life bt surely does promise us that ‘even though we walk through vallies of hell our loving God z surely with us’ Hebrews 13, continues tu tel us dat Christ will never leave us nor even forsake us. i pray fo u child of of the most High God, that restoration comes your way, this is your due season to live happily once again. Never give up on God, He’s able to do exceedingly abundantly above all u could ask for. may God bless u highly favoured child. God loves you
Dear Garry, I understand how you feel. My prayer is for you is that you find His peace during your trial. Please do not give up. Strive to hold on to your faith. We cannot do anything without faith because it is impossible to please Him without it. Know that our God loves you and wants the best for you. You may be hidden for a while but hold fast to your faith. Believe the truth about the Lord because He wants the best for you but sometimes that takes time. Honor Him for what He has done and who He is and he will reward you for seeking Him. I know it is hard. I know what it feels like to think that God has forgotten you but that is a lie. He knows you by name and wants you blessed. Set your cares on Him. He will not let you down. Be blessed, brother. Be strong and of good courage. The God of the Universe is for you, not against you. He will not leave you or forsake you. Know this and meditate on this. Your situation is temporary but God is eternal.
Garry, I understand that you are walking THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, BUT be encouraged that Jesus came that you may have life and life more abundantly (Jn 10:10). Claim your restoration from the finished work of Calvary. Jesus is the resurrection and He will resurrect your situation, just trust Him no matter how badly it hurts. He is in control. He remembers all that you have done. Remember that he who gives to the poor lends to the Lord and He will pay you with good deeds again (Prov 19:17). That is His word, unchangeable. Will keep you in my prayers beloved of God. IT IS WELL because your King reigns!!!!!
You must never let go of your faith…Bro Garry, Jesus is ready to heal you and change your situation but you have to stop looking at what have befall you and seeing His power and healing ability.
You can not focus on two things at the same time. You can either focus on God or your problems, you have read the word of God, believe the word of God and confess the word of God into your life and things will Change.
Bro Garry….Receive your healing in Jesus name.You are blessed.
@ Garry Chawa
Brother i just want to remind you the life of Job who lost everything but God restored everything. You may feel like Job who lost everything but remember that Job’s God is the same God we are serving right now. Keep trusting everything to Him,nothing hidden, and God is ABLE to restore everything in your life.
Touching and agreeing on supernatural healing in my husband’s body he’s an awesome man of of God touching and agreeing long life God will satisfy us.and our family amen
Joseph Prince I remembered when I first got saved and had so many questions the Lord spoke to me through you smh man you are truly a instrument of God may he continue to bless your ministry and life that it may continue to change and transform lives like mine
Pastor Prince, Thank you for all the encouragement via your Tv broadcasts. I need your help to pray for my husband Santiago. Please pray for a breakthrough from the strongholds that he encounters which keep him from searching for Gods intervention in his life.
Pastor Prince, thanks for the encouraging messages. I request for prayers for my mum who is suffering from pancreatic cancer that her health may be fully restored. Thanks and God bless
Pastor u are really God sent since i saw u in television preaching For Grace am really touch by your word Is there tithing under Grace i pray dat God grace we never size in ur life ministry and family in Jesus name amen
Many thanks Pastor Prince for what you are doing for us,through your massages i have learnt a lot and at the same time receive many miracles,the word of God refreshes my soul every day.Many thanks.God bless you more and more
I’m with you in prayer. You will be restored. “It is by grace are you saved (restored) not of works (giving, supporting family etc)”. Could it be the Lord is bringing you to a point where you appreciate his restoring grace fully.
Never give up on God. He cares.
I keep turning back,what should i do
thank you for the message. i dont think i can read anything anymore but i do want to read especially the bible but cant anymore i even fail to read long messages from friends or family. im not yet 30 and did my masters a couple of years back and since then i have failed to read anything even a newspaper article . i used to be a book worm who loved reading but i dont know what has happened . please pray for the restoration of my reading habits so that i can meditate on the bible.
Many thanks Pastor Prince i fee so blessed, to ready the word of God through ur massage, encouragement keep it up God will bless you a lot.
CARRY CHAWA God is there for you dont give up the word of God says Matthew 11:28-30 come unto me,all ye the labour and are heavy laden, and i will give you rest believe that God make a way where seems to be no way.
Thank you Pastor for such an inspiring piece…God bless you sir.
To our beloved brother…there at always times when trusting God seems to be the hardest thing but always remember His promise’i’ll never leave you nor forsake you…God is too faithful to fail..Hang on brother, stay in faith…God will certainly fulfil his word concerning you.He loves you still.
Garry, Listen to me, and put these words in your heart, mind and soul: GOD IS NOT THE ONE CAUSING YOU TO SUFFER, ON THE CONTRARY, HE IS FOR YOU. We are in a world that is cursed, that is the main reason why our wonderful Lord Jesus died on the cross, so he can save from all of our afflictions. Once you start declaring ” God is not angry with me” your situation will start to change. We have an enemy, and he knows that if can get you to believe that God is involved in your situation, he knows you will always live in fear. That “fear” is the one that is preventing you from experiencing God’s amazing favor. Hence, change your mentality about, rebuke the devil, by repeating, GOD IS NOT ANGRY WITH ME, and begin praising Jesus.
Dear fellow friends, I kind of get the thought that meditating on gods word is like achieving grace and not receiving grace and that its a dead work. I believe that I am righteous by faith in Jesus, but these days im getting thoughts that meditating is achieving grace and not receiving grace. Its because i heard in joseph prince message keep confessing righteousness and see good in that meditating all day long trying to please God and not having the righteousness of Faith in God foundation is a dead work; This has kind of discouraged me from meditating on gods word. Please reply guys so that I can get my mind settledh
Thank you pastor Joseph Prince. Through your sermon i have learnt a lot about Jesus and his finished work. I received the good news in a very fresh way. I even gain interest in reading Bible. Whenever i share your messages to my friends circle and my community people get blessed and amazed!!! May God bless you and your ministries abundantly.
Dear pastor prince What is your opinion on dating if your in your 60s and never been married and have no kids? I have lived my life always being there for every one and now hoping and praying for things to change. I have never been in a real relationship as far as dating goes,But I have been in a very strange one with some one for 42 years. It is not sexual but a friendly one since we both come from a religious background., before I met him God showed him to me, so I felt God really brought us together but he is obsessed with his catholic faith more so addicted to it. He is 61 and still lives with his mother. Since I met him he would mention to me how he wanted to be a priest since his family back ground consists of priest and nuns that they have all wanted that for him, but he never made it, we dated off and on, and each time he left to the seminary he would ask me if he should go or stay, I always send him off telling him I would not be responsible for his decision and if God is truly calling you he will keep you there. He just turned 62 and is still just an alter boy., though in this small town they look up to him as if he is, the towns people go to him for advice before going to the priest so in his mind he truly believes he is , which he does more in the church service then the priest himself and I have a big problem with that. I have stayed in his life for the sake of the family and believing god brought us together so even though I’m not catholic and told him I would never be, I made a Covent with god if he return to me that I would stay around, but then he became abusive to me mentally and I always stayed around because of his family. I love his mother so much that she’s been more of a mother to me than my real mother yet when I’m around his mother he acts so immature and I know if I walk this time, his mother would be devastated but I want more, I pray to God and ask him for forgiveness for breaking this covenant but I know he wouldn’t want anyone in a abusive relationship even though his mother sees his way and says she hates his ugly ways he’s just like his father everyone thinks he’s God sent because he’s so active in the church. I constantly remind him that he’s not fooling God. So I ask you what more should I ask of God when my faith tells me to seek him and wait for the answer. Just need a word of encouragement from some one I enjoy hearing daily. Is it foolish for me to hope for love of someone to share my life with. I pray that god will someday sent a good man a godly man to share his life with me and we could grow old together, this is my prayer before he calls me home, the bad thing about this picture is that i don’t go out or anything, and all my friends are all elderly woman who have been a part of my life since I was a child. Pastor Prince 3 1/2 yrs ago god almost took me home but he let me live and I ask him why? In the process I met this doctor which became my dr and from the first time in my life I felt alive again he was so kind that my niece who is becoming a dr told me tia he was flirting with you I told her no . The next few times he Mentioned how he just loves listening to me talk about my life story, I am truly a interesting person who has had a rough life. No I have never been in Ganges or been a drug addicted But lived in a big family with mentally abusive parents with big problem that I stayed so secluded from the world I put up a front around people to shield the rest of the family from their ugliness. So on my last visit with my dr he mentioned he was ready to start dating, he’s like me never married and has no kids, put I didn’t know what to say as I paws for a second I told him if he wanted to hang out sometime he had my number,
I was in shock why would he be interested in me SO that’s what came out yet I couldn’t face him, so, as I was leaving his office he says your doing fine health wise so you don’t have to see me as a patient but please come and visit me any time we are friends aren’t we. I come from a very proud Mexican family and we are raise you don’t go looking for men so I never did go and visit Yet I do think of him often. I know their are regulations on dating your patient I was told at least 2 yrs but I strongly believe if it was Gods will it would of happened by now. Pastor Prince is it wrong to want to experience happiness before one leaves this world or is it selfish in my part ! please pray for me, sometimes I strongly believe I can’t seem to pray anymore without not seeing results. Thank you so much. May your ministry continue to grow and touch lives as you touch our whole family life thank you amen