Praise Report: Offered Job Despite No Experience

I had been looking for a job since I completed full-time studies. As this was my first job hunt, I had no experience to offer and was rejected in all my job applications.

I started to struggle when I ran out of savings. I ended up applying for jobs through a social welfare platform and continued trusting God for an open door. In my prayers, I asked God to guide me to the right job and show me what I needed to do.

When it seemed like I was not getting anywhere, I started getting discouraged. However, I kept in mind what Pastor Prince taught in his Daily Grace Inspirations that Jesus had paid the price for me to have everything I need.

I also stood in faith on Matthew 19:26—with God ALL things are possible. This was one of my favorite verses and it kept coming up in my spirit whenever I needed it the most. I believe God was giving me strength in those times.

One day, I decided to ring a local bakery and inquire if it had any jobs available. The owner of the bakery asked me to meet him for an interview that afternoon. When I got off the phone, I felt this might be the job for me.

When I arrived at the bakery, I got to speak with the owner and realized that he did not pay much attention to my résumé. He said résumés were just pieces of paper and he would rather hire someone based on personality. Within five minutes, I was offered a job, and he did not mind that I had no experience! He also said he would be willing to train me and that there may be an opportunity for me to do an apprenticeship under him.

God’s grace is truly GOOD! I believe God was preparing and leading me to this job, and that this was His plan all along.

The writer has requested to remain anonymous | New Zealand


  • Mimi says:


  • Nancy Ubala says:

    Amen….JESUS paId the PrIce for me to have everythIng I need

  • Jeff Palmer says:

    I too am unemployed and honestly fear finding a new job. I have had many great sales jobs that have paid well. I went through a terrible breakup and ended up almost drinking myself to death. I even ended up in prison over it. Ending up in prison was the greatest thing to happen to me however. I was able to work through my alcohol and drug addiction, find a spiritual solution to keep from relapsing and it was there that I opened up the Bible and begin to read. At first ,I was angry at God. I blamed Him and everyone else for my troubles. I kept my Bible close by but every time I looked at it ,I got mad and told God no… no I’m not reading that book. Stubborn as I was, I threw it aside. I have it to other inmates only to have another one show itself . So, I finally read it. I didn’t understand alot of what I was reading. I made a deal with God tho and kept reading. Parts of the Bible were familiar and other parts made no sense. But something started happening to me as I continued to read it. I began to humble myself… I found out how much God can not associate Himself with any type of sin and that sacrificing life giving blood was the only way to atone for sin. I read that God sent his son to die for my sins… all of them… past , present and future. I found out that I have a part in causing God s son Jesus’ death. I began to feel severe conviction for all my sins. I truly felt sorry for my sins. I got on my knees and prayed for forgiveness. I began to try and live my life selflessly . I now pray for God’s will to be done in my life today and I could not be happier. I have been released from prison and moved into a sober living home in Santa Barbara,Ca. Please pray for me as I go from here to recognize and stay in His will daily. Please pray for the right job to come up for me as I don’t want to be a burden on my family. Please pray for my children ,that they might find forgiveness in their hearts for me and that they are blessed with what they need. Please pray for all the families of addicts and alcoholics and for them as well.


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