In 2013, my husband was diagnosed with stage four nasopharyngeal carcinoma (nose cancer). He went through a heavy treatment regimen—six cycles of chemotherapy and 35 radiation sessions. After completing the treatment, his doctors confirmed he was cancer-free. They were so pleased with his fast recovery and even said we should celebrate.
With the doctors’ approval, we decided to travel. We had a great time but on the very last day of our vacation, my husband had a sore throat infection that spread down to his chest. It turned out to be mediastinitis, an inflammation of the area between the lungs.
I realized the enemy did not want us to be happy and tried to bring us down by planting thoughts of doubt like how my husband’s immune system was still weak and that we should not have gone for the holiday.
However, I believed that Jesus had healed my husband of cancer, and that what we were seeing were lying symptoms.
My husband was admitted to the hospital where doctors did some drainage on his lungs and chest. A close family member quoted scripture from the Bible, telling my husband that God was disciplining him. After hearing this, my husband got confused about the love of God and felt condemned. He was depressed and even started questioning God, “WHY?” The next thing we knew, the doctors said they needed to do another surgery on him.
When I got home, for some reason, I felt led to read Pastor Joseph Prince’s book, Unmerited Favor. It had been sitting in my drawer for some time. Immediately, I started reading it and it felt like God was answering our questions.
Through the book, I discovered that God is a loving God and that He will never leave us nor forsake us.
I also learned about the finished work of Jesus and that even in the midst of trials, troubles, and difficult times, we can experience peace because we are covered by the blood of Jesus. Most importantly, the book taught that we are the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ for we are not under old covenant of law but under the new covenant of grace.
After learning the good news, I shared it with my husband. Our brother in Singapore, who is also a member of your church, also shared with us about God’s grace. Since then, my husband and I have started talking about God’s unmerited favor. My husband also started to read the book during his hospitalization.
He got better and better each day. In fact, his chest tubes were removed the day after he read the book. His vitals were good, there were no signs of fever, and his pulse rate was normal. After about a month in hospital, they finally sent us home—just in time for Thanksgiving Day!
I believe the circumstances improved because my husband no longer asked God “WHY?”, but filled himself with God’s love. He is doing great now. In fact, his magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed good results—no sign of cancer or infections! All glory to God!
We’re so blessed and happy after hearing the good news of the gospel.
We feel like brand new persons—we’ve been Christians for a long time, but never felt this amazing grace and love from God. It is such an overwhelming emotion that we can’t even find the right words for it.
We now partake of the Holy Communion daily after reading Pastor Prince’s book, Healing Promises. We are claiming complete restoration of my husband’s taste buds and hearing that were affected by the radiation treatment. We have also gotten hold of Pastor Prince’s book, The Power of Right Believing and his sermons on DVDs—we want to get an overdose of God’s Word, since we got our breakthrough from hearing! We are looking forward to greater glory this 2014!
Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your ministry, and for sharing with us the good news of Christ. I hope my testimony will touch the lives of others. God bless all of you.
The writer has requested to remain anonymous | Illinois, US