Praise Report: Cancer Free, Amazing Walk With Jesus

I became a believer in 1998 and my life changed tremendously. But I felt that something was wrong because I was repeatedly diagnosed with cancer, beginning with breast cancer in 1998. In 2002, I had colon cancer. Even after surviving both attacks, I had relapses of breast cancer in 2007 and 2010.

Then in 2011, I watched Pastor Joseph Prince on television and ordered his materials. The first thing I remember learning was that all of my sins have been forgiven! Before that, I was taught of the need to repent and receive forgiveness from God whenever I sinned.

Soon after, I became a partner with the ministry. I have all of Pastor Prince’s teachings and meditate on them all the time. I have also bought Destined To Reign, Unmerited Favor, and The Power of Right Believing.

Now, my walk with the Lord is amazing! I no longer feel condemned or guilty and I am no longer walking in fear! I also have a revelation of Christ’s love for me and I have an intimate relationship Him.

With God’s help, my finances have also improved. I am now fifty-six years of age and I now have my first home! I am also cancer free, have witnessed salvations in my family, and am enjoying better relationships with my family members.

I can’t express in words how much Pastor Prince’s ministry has blessed my life. It is forever changed! My eyes have been opened to GOD’S GRACE and I will never go back to my old beliefs and ways of thinking.

The writer has requested to remain anonymous | Illinois, United States