Praise Report: Unexpected Salary Increase After Relying on God’s Favor

My wife and I held good but very demanding jobs for about six years. About three years ago, we had a son, and we knew that my wife would have to stop working at some point. But with both of our fathers living with us because they needed our financial help, we saw no one way for this to happen. We started trusting God for His goodness to create a way where there seemed to be no way.

After my boy turned three, our nanny had a light heart attack and stroke and could not continue to help us. We prayed and talked about what to do. We decided that God would take care of us and that my wife just needed to quit her job even though we didn’t have the finances from my job to hold everything together.

All this time, we continued to listen to Joseph Prince’s sermons and reminded each other that Jesus is a loving and good God who is willing to help us give our boy the attention every child requires.

Now something that should be noted is that I took the job I am currently at for less stress and less money since I had a little one whom I wanted to spend time with. I did whatever I could to make sure my wife was not too stressed. I believed that God’s favor was on me so I could give more focus to my son. I just let go, and I didn’t try to earn favor from my supervisors at all.

I got an offer to go back to my old job where I might make more money but would be busier. It looked like a better option even though I didn’t have the peace to take it. I decided to see what God would do.

I told my boss I was giving a two-week notice and would be leaving. I didn’t think he would care. However, he told me he couldn’t afford to lose me at all and would do whatever it takes to keep me.

He offered me $40,000 more—almost exactly what we needed to make everything work and still save some! It was so unexpected at the time, but now I’m learning to expect that God can do above and beyond anything I can ask or think.

God’s unearned, unmerited favor is for all His people. I want to encourage others to trust in their loving Father and in Christ Jesus. Thank you, Pastor Prince!

Peter Flaming | Oklahoma, United States