It’s so important to know and keep meditating on who you are and what you have in Christ. Why? Because it affects how you see yourself and the challenges that come your way.
I’m too old. I don’t have the relevant experience. They’re hiring only college graduates. If you’re looking for a job and your mind is gripped by such thoughts, then you’re already defeated by your thoughts before you even step out for an interview.
It’s time to change your mind. As God’s child, you are His heir and a joint heir with Christ. This means that you have the same unclouded favor that Jesus has. So step out in faith and expect His favor to open doors for you and give you the job you desire, regardless of your natural limitations.
A lady in her mid-fifties in my congregation, after hearing me share on this, changed her mind. She decided to put her trust in the Lord’s unmerited favor, got her résumé ready and sent it out by faith. That very week, she was called for interviews by two different companies, which led to two job offers! She picked one and has been gainfully employed for the last five years.
Beloved, keep meditating on what God’s Word says about you because of the finished work of Jesus. That way, you won’t be seized with alarm and struck with fear when challenges come your way. Instead, you’ll count on His favor and love and see the good you want to see!
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I know I’ve been accepted in the beloved. I’m highly favored, greatly blessed and deeply loved. I am well today by the obedience of Christ. I’m the son of the King and I’ve been made a king on earth. Glory to God I live and rule among my peers. Praise God, thank you Daddy God.
Ich weiß,das ich und meine ganze Familie, gut gesegnet ist und ich glaube an den HERR GOTT VATER SOHN UND HEILIGEN GEIST UND ICH GLAUBE AN JESUS CHRISTUS.AMEN.