Expect To Receive God’s Much-More Restoration (Part 3/3)

Wasted years, broken dreams, wrecked relationships…whatever your loss may be, look to the Lord for your much-more restoration! Join Joseph Prince in this three-part series as he shares how you can position yourself to receive God’s incredible restoration for your losses.

READ: Part 1  |  Part 2  |


Beloved, the restoration that Ruth and Stephie received can happen for you too. Whatever you have lost, don’t give up—you can still win even after you’ve experienced loss. How? Position yourself for victory by resting in the Lord’s finished work, remembering that Jesus has accomplished everything for you at the cross. If you look at the word “restore,” it starts with four letters that spell “rest.” In other words, restoration comes as you rest in the Lord and in His finished work.

When you rest in God, He goes to work on your behalf and you end up with more.

This was what happened for Ruth, whose story you read about earlier.

After laboring in the barley fields from morning to evening, Ruth was able to glean one ephah of barley (Ruth 2:17), equivalent to a ten-day supply. But when
 she rested at the feet of Boaz and did not labor, she received six ephahs of barley (Ruth 3:15), a sixty-day supply! And we know her blessings did not stop there. She received a marriage proposal from Boaz—a stable, honorable, affluent, and the most eligible man in the community. How did that happen? Ruth had heeded the advice of Naomi, her mother-in law, to “sit still” and wait, after Boaz had promised to redeem her. I want you to pay attention to what Naomi said to Ruth: “Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will turn out; for the man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day” (Ruth 3:18).

As long as Ruth rested, Boaz would not rest until he resolved her situation. The result? Instead of just getting 
a small portion of the barley from the fields, Ruth got the owner of the fields himself, as well as the entire yield of his barley fields! Hallelujah! It is the same for us today. When we rest, Jesus, our heavenly Boaz, goes to work. When we choose to “work” by striving, fretting and trying to make things happen by our arm of flesh, He rests until we see our need for Him and invite Him into our situation.



Now, in case you’re wondering, rest is not doing nothing or being lazy in your situation. Do the practical that needs to be done—send out your résumés, attend interviews by all means—but do all that with a heart that is at rest. Be at rest inwardly, believing in your heart that our Lord Jesus has accomplished everything you need for every demand that comes your way.

Rest in His faithfulness to fulfill His promises to you and to be your supply, strength, and peace while you are waiting on Him.

Your restoration can happen when you least expect it, just like it did for Lorraine who wrote to me from North Carolina:

When I was thirty-five, I began losing my sight due to an eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa. By 2006, I could only see with my left eye, with my scope of vision limited to the diameter of a drinking straw.

Round about that time, I began watching Joseph Prince on television. Through the messages that
 he preached, I learned about Jesus and Abba, my loving heavenly Father. I began to learn all that Jesus endured at the cross for me and how much He wanted a relationship with me. I began watching the broadcast daily and I would search my Bible in Braille, over and over in utter disbelief. Could it be true, that by His stripes, I have been healed—even my eyes? I began to claim this verse for myself. I figured I couldn’t lose anything since I was already blind.

My husband, Jack, would sit and watch Joseph’s programs with me in the mornings. One day, after having listened to Joseph for five months, I told Jack while watching the screen, “Stop scratching your head!” Jack turned to me and said, “How could you have seen that?” That’s when I realized that my vision had been restored. I raised my hands to the sides of my face and I could see them!

I went to my neuro-ophthalmologist, who specializes in the disease I was diagnosed with, and asked him to re-run all the tests. Needless to say, he was blown away. I now have near perfect vision—20/20 in my left eye and 20/30 in my right! I soon found out that my type-two diabetes and hypertension have also been healed!

My friend, Lorraine’s amazing breakthrough began when she simply sat down to learn about Jesus and His finished work. By doing that, she positioned herself to receive His restoration for her! The Lord restored not just her vision, but also other areas of health that had been compromised by serious illnesses. I believe Loraine is enjoying a fresh flood of His healing and health because she learned to rest and rejoice in God’s grace for her rather than focus on what the enemy had stolen from her. So don’t be discouraged 
by the challenges you see in your circumstances. Don’t be alarmed even if you should hear bad news.

Each time your heart is troubled, look to your unfailing Savior and say, “Lord, restore!”

Beloved, I want to encourage you to get ready for an incredible time of God’s restoration! Instead of saying it can’t be done, start saying, “Lord, restore!” because His sacrifice at the cross has qualified you to receive and enjoy His incomparable restoration. Through the cross, He has restored to you and your family 120 percent and more of His health, soundness, protection, favor, wisdom, and provision. Like Ruth who went from empty to full, I believe you will say in the days to come, “The Lord has turned my loss around with His restoration!”

The names of the testimony writers in this article have been changed to protect the writers’ privacy.


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Activate God’s 120 Percent Restoration


  • Ruth says:

    I need agreement prayer for my complete health ( digestive, bone, etc.) For restoration of invested and lost money, success/ministry in rental properties. And finding a Spirit-led husband (I’ve been a widow for one and a half years.)

  • Rhonda Parks says:

    Praise the Lord. Made me cry and gave me faith to believe and rest in the Lord for restoration for me and my family. Thank you Abba. Thank you Jesus for all you do and have done and will do. I praise You.

  • Irene says:

    Thank U for the 3part series. I truly believe that this came @a time I was feeling discouraged & needed something more. I was sitting in service one Sunday & I heard the holy spirit said rest. Your message brought clarity to what he spoke to me. Thank U & I’m saying now to God restore.

  • Victor says:

    Pastor Prince, God bless you. You bring the word with ease and clarity and total focus on Christ. I have been following you lately and trust that restoration will indeed come my way in Christ Jesus.. Kindly pray with me Pastor, i need divine restoration in my finances.. i have been without a job for about 6 years now.. I know Gods grace is available for me Amen

  • Antony says:

    I believe God is Love and worthy Of trust.

  • Varun says:

    Thanks for the jesus message. Today onwards i will rest in jesus and pray for restoration of everything that i lost. God will restore me. Amen

  • Ashadee says:

    Oh my gosh! This is wonderful. I am going to share this testimony with my dad as he was diagnosed by the doctors with retinitis pigmentosa as well. He is healed in Jesus name!

  • Stacey says:

    This is amazing. Just what I needed at this time. I pledge to rest in JESUS from this moment on, and going forward I shall continue to rest in Him. When situations arise I shall declare “Lord restore”. Even now I believe that my Savior and King is restoring all the years, celebrations, relationships, and dreams that slipped by when I was in the world. As a new creature in Christ, all these and more are coming my way. Hallelujah, I receive, I receive, I RECEIVE 120 precent and more. Thank you Pastor Prince for this word and may GOD continue to bless you and your family 🙏

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