Praise Report: Vertebrae Restored with No Signs of Breakage

At the age of thirty, while counseling at a summer youth church camp, I participated in a lake activity called “the blob.” After being launched into the air and landing in the lake, I returned to the shore very stiff and not able to turn my head from side to side easily. I stayed at the camp and continued counseling with no pain but took Tylenol to relieve the tightness in my back and neck.

Twenty years later at the age of fifty, I started going to a chiropractor for the first time. My X-ray showed something that I was fully unaware of. The injury that had occurred twenty years ago had damaged two vertebrae in my back and blown out two of my discs. To the amazement of my chiropractor, I could still bend over and flat hand the floor. He said the worst thing was that my L3 vertebrae was pressing on my spinal cord and for the past twenty years I should’ve been paralyzed from that point down. Praise God for His hand on me and mercy for those twenty years.

I continued with my chiropractor for another thirteen years. At the age of sixty-three, my chiropractor recommended that I see a back surgeon since I was getting older, and the chiropractor didn’t feel he could do much more for me. At that time, I began listening to Pastor Prince’s teachings on healing through the Communion. I began to trust God as I partook of the Communion multiple times during the day and when it was time for the MRI.

At my appointment with the surgeon, as I looked at the MRI, I realized God had performed an amazing miracle. The surgeon was not aware of my original X-ray. He continued to tell me that “I see no signs of breakage. Your discs look fine so you should just continue with your chiropractor without surgery.” God had not only healed my vertebrae to where there were no signs of breakage, the vertebral discs that had been destroyed in the accident were completely restored, praise God!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for illuminating that scripture “by His stripes we are healed” that I had heard all my life yet never had the full understanding of!

Dale Harris | Texas, United States