Praise report: Toenail growth accelerated after prayer during service

Some time back, I hurt my toe while going on a brisk walk wearing a pair of tight sneakers. My toe became bruised and infected. Over the weeks, my toenail dropped off, and the new nail was barely growing. On top of that, there were still signs of blood clot on the sides of the toe.

My pedicurist said it would take a long while for the new nail to grow, and I should go for at least 10 sessions of treatment to stimulate the growth of the nail.

On Sunday, March 26, 2023, I attended the 1st service at Marina Bay Sands Ballrooms. That day, Pastor Prince ministered to the sick and prayed for the resurrection of nails. 

I received the prayer, and that evening, I noticed that there were some changes to my toe. The blood clot had disappeared, and the toe looked completely normal. The following day, a white patch of toenail started to appear, and in just four days, it became very obvious.

Praise the Lord, my toenail has been restored, and I don’t need to go for treatments anymore!

A sister from Singapore