I was raised in a Christian home, but by the time I was 10 years old, I knew I was in bondage to a sexual sin. This sin was part of my secret life, but its consequences were very public. I lost two professional jobs and was asked to leave three different churches over the 48 years I was a slave to that sexual sin. I was even shamed publicly in the community.
I consulted many Christian counselors and ministers for help. I also received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues in my mid-twenties. However, the secret sexual thoughts and actions did not stop. I finally went for secular counseling and bought into the lie that I would always be addicted.
Through the teachings of Joseph Prince and others like him, I discovered that my heart was broken and wounded. I learned that Jesus came to heal the broken-hearted, and I also professed with my mouth that His precious blood covers my heart. I learned that freedom from this addiction is His will for me.
Four years ago, I was completely set free and healed over a weekend. The Lord healed my heart and emotions, cleansed my will, and gave me a deep revelation of His righteousness. I am so different now from the person I had been for 48 years. Jesus has healed my marriage and my wife actually trusts me now. He has given me a new career that is virtually stress-free and yet pays more than any job I ever had.
I am now restored to wholeness by the Lord and am able to bear fruit in His kingdom. I truly love Him with all my heart. His righteousness is manifested in my life without relying on my willpower or recovery programs. I am an overcomer, highly blessed and greatly favored. Praise Jesus!
Jymm | Kentucky, United States
His story is more than sweet, I especially liked where ‘the blood of Jesus covered my heart’.
Blessings Abound, Cindra
Praise The Lord,
Praise the Lord
I am now were he was. Exactly but I am a female. I have prayed for a clean slate many times but I can’t get out of this bondage I’ve been in no matter how much I’ve prayed. I am ashamed And unworthy as I am the biggest hypocrite And hate who I am. The most disappointing part is that I know I am not where I am suppose to be.. With my job, my children, our home and I feel it’s consequences to my actions and I am a waste as a Christian and feel as I have taken advantage of what Jesus has done for me. Its going to take a miracle and more than just my prayers to break this addiction of pleasing men and poverty over my household. I am pleading the blood of Jesus over my situation and I ask please for yalls agreement and prayers for me and my children. Thank you.
I am praying and in agreement with you! God bless you!
Will Pray sister
jesus christ does not remember the wrongs you are doing,look at that situation and confess am so much better than you,tell yourself i am an overcomer,a winner,am set free,am the righteousness of GOD in christ jesus,even though i feel condemnd am not,dont stress yrself to try to work it out you just cant only jesus christ can help you!by i accept your abundant grace and the gift of righteousness to work in my life,by confession every thing drops out of my life,cause salvation comes through right believing right confesion,were ever you are confess am free,from addition,sickness,poverty,lack,e.t.c,your tongue is a fire to burn all the bushes in your life
prey for me and my brother he’s name is mlkt weldu I don’t know what happen in he’s life he cant finish he’s education in university . mor than 6 years he is in university
he’ s name is mlkt weldu and now he acting like abnormal person so please prey for hem please.and and prey for me I cant mange my money I am in crises
God is great let us praise Him forever
praise God! Whom the son sets free..he is free indeed
For as long as I can remember I have hated myself completely..I have always felt like I am a waste of space and can never amount to anything..I still feel that way despite many people trying to convince me otherwise. Please pray for me …..