…Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?
Galatians 3:3
How were you first impacted by Jesus? Was it through the law (demands) or was it His grace toward you that touched your heart? We all began our relationship with the Lord because we were impacted by His love and grace. Let us then continue in that grace.
The apostle Paul asked the church in Galatia point-blank, “…Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh [self-effort]?” (Galatians 3:2–3). Paul was saying to them, “You began by believing in His grace, why are you now depending on your works? That is foolishness! You should be continuing in His unmerited favor!” These are strong words by Paul.
My friend, don’t start with grace and end up with the law. Don’t start with the new covenant, only to turn back to the old covenant! Stay on the path of grace. When you are established in the new covenant of grace, you will experience a tremendous sense of confidence and security in Christ. When your confidence is in His unmerited favor and not your performance, you will know that you have access to His blessings all the time, simply because of His finished work at the cross. Today, think, talk and act knowing that it is not about you or your works, but Jesus and His work, and step out into His blessings for you!
Very encouraged been looking at my works which has rather left me angered frustrated and discrouged now I know I should look at the finished work at the cross. Thank you Holy Spirit for the revelation.blessings Joseph Prince
Dear pastor prince, I want to take this moment to thank you for taking a strong stance in declaring the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ despite the opposition from others. Am really encouraged every time I hear this gospel. Now, pastor Prince, please help me to understand how I can continue in God’s grace when am a congregant in a Church where the law is taught together with God’s grace.