Praise Report: Right-Time Right-Place Provision

My family watches Pastor Prince a lot. I watch or listen to him daily and have just become a Gospel Partner. We have been so blessed by learning to believe right through the past fifteen years. My father was healed of multiple myeloma in three months from his diagnosis, marriages were healed, and loved ones were saved! Now I have to tell about the goodness of God’s provision in this kairos year of right time, right place.

I am a teacher and specialize in a fairly niche area. Because of the pandemic, I got comfortable teaching online. After we went back to the classroom, I found that there were lots of platforms available for online teaching, especially for the social/emotional classes that I specialize in. So I started teaching a few classes online after my regular school hours and on Saturdays.

I only saw a little success but asked the Lord to bless what I was doing because I wanted to do more for His kingdom. I go to a wonderful local church and tithe regularly but really wanted to do some more giving to some missionaries, provide Bibles for some pastor friends in India, and become a Gospel Partner. I told the Lord I know He is capable of providing, and I trusted Him to do it.

In November last year, the Lord laid on my heart to start praying that I would be in the right place at the right time for a few areas of my life. Obviously, I had no idea that would be the theme of this year. Isn’t God amazing?

In December, I had a parent from another state reach out to me about my online classes. She homeschools her daughter and was looking for the sort of classes I offer. After a few emails and online meetings, we decided I would teach her daughter privately for one hour every day after my regular school day.

So starting January, for one-eighth of the time, I am now making half of my regular teaching job take-home pay. During a recession, I am making more than I have ever made before. Now that is the goodness of God! My online teaching profile was at the right place at the right time. Hallelujah!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for continuing to share unashamedly about the gospel of grace for it truly has the power to save! God bless you, your family, and your church!

Faith Willman | Arizona, United States