My husband and I were trying for a baby for the past three years after getting married. In 2019, I conceived and my whole family rejoiced. But our happiness did not last as the doctor told us at our checkup a month later that there was no heartbeat detected in the fetus. We were devastated upon hearing the news and kept asking God, “Why, why, why?” I was very upset and angry with God.
Following that episode, I stopped reading and hearing God’s Word for some time as I was going through depression. One day, I happened to hear one of Pastor Prince’s sermons where he shared about how he and Wendy went through a similar situation before and how he did not blame God but faithfully waited for their restoration. Hearing that changed my mindset, and I started to see that God was not a taker but a giver. My faith was restored after hearing Pastor Prince’s sermons, and I decided to put that same faith in the Lord while waiting for my restoration.
Meanwhile, the Lord directed me to serve in Rock Kidz (New Creation Church’s children’s ministry) and my husband to serve with the Connect Point ministry. We gained kingdom friends who prayed for us and encouraged us in many ways. They kept reminding us that the Lord would take care of those who take care of His house and that we would receive our hundredfold restoration.
After two years of serving, we still had not received our miracle, but we continued to pray and wait on the Lord. We decided to consult the gynecologist for advice and received devastating news that I might not be producing eggs even though my menstruation cycle was regular. We also found out that 98 percent of my husband’s sperm count was deformed and unhealthy, hence even conceiving through in vitro fertilization (IVF) would be tough and very expensive.
We were advised to start on some medication and to go back for another checkup in the future. We felt rejected and hopeless. My husband and I did not utter a single word to each other on the way back, and I tried to convince myself I would never have children.
When we reached home, we could not tell our family the bad news. Instead, we just went to our room. While we were sitting down, my husband suddenly brought in the holy Communion elements and told me, “Let’s just pray to God.” While we were praying, the Holy Spirit prompted my husband to declare that we do not need that 98 percent of the sperm count and that the Lord only needed 1 percent of it to bless us. When my husband said this, I was happy but when I looked at the facts, my heart failed to believe.
On the day we were supposed to start on the medication, I realized that I’d skipped my period cycle. After taking a pregnancy test, we realized I was pregnant! We immediately went to the gynecologist who was shocked when the ultrasound showed I was seven weeks pregnant. The Lord was indeed true to His Word!
Throughout the pregnancy journey, whenever the fear of miscarriage came, I continued to listen to Pastor Prince’s sermons and remained in faith. I had a healthy pregnancy journey, and my baby is now eighteen months old and attending Rock Kidz as well!
Thank you, Pastor Prince, for unveiling the true Jesus and always keeping us on track. Praise the Lord! God is a true giver and miracle worker. Thank You, Jesus!
S. S. | Singapore