Praise Report: Delivered from Panic Attacks, Able to Sleep Well Again

During the festive period at the end of last year, I went through a very trying time, and it caused me to have a major panic attack on Christmas and New Year’s Day.

I was overly stressed and fearful about the future of my marriage, and this caused my mind to work overtime. It was so bad that while driving on the highway one day, I had to pull over. I also had to cancel work for three days as I felt as though I wasn’t in my right mind. It was an evil feeling like I didn’t know who I was.

Pastor Prince, the Lord Jesus Christ never left my side, and He led me through the Holy Spirit to watch your Resurrection Sunday sermon Healed and Whole by His Resurrection Life. The anointing on the praise and worship lifted that evil depression off me for good!

Every time I felt afraid even to sleep for fear of having a panic attack, I played your sermon over and over and slept like a baby. I felt like myself again and was able to go to church and think with a sound mind. The Lord Jesus Christ healed me through your sermon!

I realized the Lord has me in the palm of His hand and has an answer or way of escape for every trouble. My mind is sound, and I sleep like a baby, knowing Jesus is in control. All my worries are in His hands while I rest and He works. The Lord Jesus Christ REALLY answers every prayer—not one is left out.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for making your sermons available online. They have saved my life and delivered me many times. Thank you for freely preaching the Lord Jesus’ amazing grace to everyone without prejudice. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for you. May He continue to abundantly bless you and keep you in His grace.

Lesley Anne | South Africa