Praise Report: Blessed in Many Areas After Prioritizing the Word

I was watching Pastor Prince’s series of sermons on Psalm 91. He spoke of rabbis telling their students to repeat Psalm 91 seven times. So I did just that. Every morning I read Psalm 91 seven times. I also read the Word in daily inspirations, devotionals, and the Bible before praying.

At that time, I was in a horrible place. I suffered from mental illness and was out of medicine for a month while waiting for a doctor’s appointment. I had lost most of my hours at work and did not have enough food and sleep. My rent was two months due, and my landlord was threatening me with eviction. But instead of being suicidal or turning to drinks or drugs like I did in the past, I turned to God.

I started watching Pastor Prince online. I also read my Bible every day, sometimes for hours. I feel that reading Psalm 91 every day as Pastor Prince has taught led me to a place of peace. The rent I owed has been paid. I have been blessed with a new job that pays well and is only four miles from home. I was also blessed with a wonderful new doctor who has refilled all my medicine. Even my little dog, who was sick and dying, is better and is now eating and barking.

I have testified to my friends about reading Psalm 91 seven times a day, and they too are being blessed. I am thankful and grateful for Pastor Prince and his teachings. I have found grace! May God continue to bless the ministry of Pastor Prince. Thank you so much!

Mary Kay Brooks | Georgia, United States