I gave my life to Jesus two years ago. On that day, I let go of the toxic relationships I had. But this year, I found myself in another toxic relationship with a man I became sexually involved with. I ended up walking away from the relationship but it caused me such brokenness and grief. I lost sight of who I was in Jesus. I was drowning in depression, fear, negative thoughts, anxiety, and acted out from a place of great sadness, jealousy, and anger.
It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom that the Lord opened my eyes to see what I was doing to myself and others. One day, I stumbled across Pastor Prince’s sermon “Victory over Sexual Immorality.” The video greatly impacted me and made me cry as I realized how much Jesus loves me. I now know that hope is not lost for me, and that I have been bought by the precious price of Jesus’ blood! I am strong through Him.
For almost twenty years, the thought that I’m not good enough had haunted me and kept me from giving and receiving love. Now I am able to receive God’s love in full and receive love from others as well.
Over the past month, I’ve been fighting the enemy’s attacks by staying in the Word and reaching out to Christian friends for help. I’ve been feeding on Psalm 91 every morning and night, sometimes reading it several times a day.
I thank God for Jesus and His mercy, forgiveness, and grace. The Lord has plans for me and is shaping, molding, and preparing me for my calling!
Jamie Morris | Iowa, United States