…The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].
James 5:16, AMP
The Bible tells us that when Elijah prayed earnestly that it would not rain, it did not rain on the land for three years and six months (James 5:17).
You might be thinking, That must’ve been some prayer! I’d like to learn how to pray like that.
So how did Elijah pray “earnestly”? You’ll be surprised to know that his prayer was not a long, intense, sweat-inducing prayer. No dropping to his knees to plead with God for hours or days.
Elijah’s earnest prayer was just a simple declaration of faith: “As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word” (1 Kings 17:1). He simply declared in faith that there would be no rain.
My friend, can you see that our idea of praying earnestly is very different from that of God’s?
Today, you don’t have to beg God for your miracle, because He is more than willing to meet your need.
All you need to do is to trust His grace and speak to your mountain in faith. That’s praying earnestly to God. That’s an effective prayer that will produce dynamic, wonderful results!
I thank God for the gift of life and I pray to God the Holy Spirit to give us power to strength is in everything we are doing I pray for the who ve bad hearts Lord Jesus Christ change there heart amen
Pastor please how do I reconcile this with the fact that Elijah prayed 7 times asking his servant to go check each time? I ask sincerely from an honest heart.
Wow after reading this I now realise that Jesus ‘s yoke is easy and His burden very light May God continue to bless pastor prince’s ministry it shall be well for you on Jesus name.Amen
What an awesome goal to achieve! I am so glad God delivered you from smoking. He delivered me too.
Amen. God pursues desires a loving relation which is sincere, honest and true. The bible tell us worship Him in Spirit and Truthfullness. I hope I have a pure heart to let Him be part of me Life.
I want to learn how to pray earnestly and find the right words to say.
Thanks for the message, I’ll prayer earnestly from this day forward..God bless your ministry.
Glorious, but we must take note that Elijah has a place in God, “before whom I stand”, he is in consonance with God an His kingdom. And so his word fell not to the ground
I repeat what pastor prince said earlier
“All you have to do is speak to your mountain in faith that’s honest prayer”
Remember our righteousness is of Him . It’s a gift to be received. I pray honest prayers not becouse of my performance, but because of His precious performance.
I’m 78 years old next week and I’ve spent years before learning of pastor Prince’s ministry trying to pray honest prayers ( mostly from a condemned, sin conscious and self righteous place. )
Thank you Jesus I am now being taught how simple the good news is and how easy the Lord has made it for us. By the Grace of our Lord, my struggle is over and my prayers are honest prayers. Thank you so much pastor prince you have helped this believer so much.
I repeat what pastor prince said earlier
All you have to do is trust His grace and speak to your mountain in faith that’s honest prayer.
Remember our righteousness is of Him . It’s a gift to be received. I pray honest prayers not becouse of my performance, but because of His precious performance.
I’m 78 years old next week and I’ve spent years before learning of pastor Prince’s ministry trying to pray honest prayers ( mostly from a condemned, sin conscious and self righteous place. )
Thank you Jesus I am now being taught how simple the good news is and how easy the Lord has made it for us. By the Grace of our Lord, my struggle is over and my prayers are honest prayers. Thank you so much pastor prince you have helped this believer so much.
That’s powerful too Josie.!thank you for the encouragement!
I thank You Jesus and I praise You Lord for DELIVERING people from addiction the bad habits. Next blessing is going to be me. You are good God, Lord Jesus. I thank You Jesus and I praise You Lord.
I believe the reason Elijah prayed seven times for rain was not for the need , but to teach his servant that persistent prayer, will also be rewarded , if you are faithful in not giving up hope. Remember the widow that went to the unrighteous king ,and the king responded, not because he really cared, but because he realized she would drive him crazy by returning time after time to recurve justest.
Please teach me how to pray earnestly
The steps to pray earnestly