Despite being a Christian since 1993, I have always felt separated from God. Last year, I told God that there has to be more to the relationship with Him than what I was experiencing. I asked Him to show me great and mighty things and reveal His divine purpose for my life.
As I have not been going to church, the only way I could hear the Word was through television. One day, as I was channel surfing, I came across Pastor Prince. He was not merely telling me what I should be doing. He was sharing about grace and how much Jesus loves me. From that sermon, I learned that His grace is sufficient for me and it revolutionized my relationship with Jesus!
I was overwhelmed by the number of things Pastor Prince was showing me. He woke me from my long spiritual slumber and started showing me how short the time is and how much people need grace. It was as if God put me on a fast track, compressing what I should have been learning in the last twenty years all together. He removed the veil from my eyes and started showing me great and mighty things that I previously did not know about Him, and what my purpose is at this very hour.
Because of Pastor Prince’s teachings, I even had the confidence to lay hands on my husband’s heart when he was diagnosed with a birth defect, and he was healed! Even the doctors could not explain how the heart defect just disappeared. Not only that, God completely paid the $29,000 medical bill when my husband was hospitalized!
I have also been taking the Holy Communion and I feel fantastic! Jesus has been glorified through the blessings He has poured into my life. I cannot fully express what Joseph Prince has done for me and for my family. We have been set free by grace and I am literally bursting at the seams with revelations of His grace that the Lord wants others to know.
God bless Joseph Prince! Thank you for setting me free!
Melonie Busch | Florida, United States