I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
Under the old covenant of law, man works for God. That’s why the law states very clearly, “You shall not…you shall not…you shall…you shall…” (Exodus 20:3–17). The focus is on you working. Under grace, God works. That’s why, in reference to the new covenant, God said, “I will…I will…I will…” (Hebrews 8:8–12). You rest in His “I wills” as He works in you, through you and for you.
Today, the question is, how do we rest in His “I wills” on a practical basis and see the Lord doing what He wants to do in our lives?
My friend, it’s simple. Let’s suppose that you have an important sales presentation to make and your boss expects you to clinch the deal. Instead of worrying, bring Jesus into the picture. See Him giving the presentation. See Him clinching the deal. Just tell Him, “Jesus, this is Your assignment. This is Your project.” Involve Him and allow Him to work in you, through you and for you. The more you rest in Him, the less the stress and the greater the success you’ll have.
Beloved, the more you let go, trust in Jesus and rest in Him, the more you’ll find that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. He will strengthen you and work mightily in you to give you good success!
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The Bible uses many verbs to remind us what we should be doing. What is clear is that resting in Christ involves trusting and obeying Him. We can’t rest in someone who is pure unless we are eager to live purely.
In my opinion it’s absolutely essential to study the Bible and delight in what we read if we want to “rest” in the risen Lord.
This is very challenging for this generation, for multitudes have succumbed to delighting in activities that the Lord teaches are sinful.
How do let go, trust more consistently in Jesus and rest in Him?
This is a very vital question. Let’s think for a moment about Lot’s
wife. Her problem was that she was conformed to the world in which she lived.
During the course of her life she wasn’t able to let go of her worldly attachments. We read in the Bible that she looked back.
She did this because she had a wrong focus. Most people in the world are like Lot’s wife. They are determined to live their life conformed to this world. The problem is that this is not God’s will.
Today, the question is, how do we rest in His “I wills” on a practical basis and see the Lord doing what He wants to do in our lives?
My approach is to study the Bible in order to learn both what the Lord wants us to do and to learn what He doesn’t want us to do. I find that this is best done by studying both the Old and the New Testament.
If we want renewal we need to repent and resist Satan. All lies weaken us and the truth strengthens us therefore it is important to study the Bible wholeheartedly.