Rest To See Victory

…“Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”

Mark 12:36

Many of us want our problems solved first before we adopt an attitude of rest. We say things like, “I can only rest when my healing manifests,” or “I’ll relax the day I get that promotion and pay increase.” But God says, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”

Sitting is a position of rest. Through Jesus’ finished work you are seated with Him in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). And you are to remain seated or at rest until you see God put every one of your problems under your feet!

Thoughts may be swirling in your head today—What am I going to do about it? Where is the money going to come from? What if the tumor is malignant? What if I lose my job? But learn to adopt an inward position of rest. When you rest, the Lord goes to work, orchestrating events in the natural and spiritual realms to bring every enemy under your feet.

Beloved, you allow Almighty God to work in you, through you and in your circumstances when you rest. Sometimes, it may seem like He is not doing anything when you rest. Don’t be tempted then to move out of your position of rest. You can’t do more than He can! Stay seated—at rest—knowing that He is working behind the scenes, turning your evil days into good days, preserving you and causing all things to work out for good!

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Let Go And Let His Supply Flow


  • Ellena Maglaqui says:

    Pastor Joseph Prince, really thank God for the message that God gave you ,@ tha annoingting i m really lift up , bless @ deefening my knowledge into His Jesus words. help me to see your sermons detailed like the Theme:___ The scriptures -the main point @the sub point @the conclusion can you help .May almighty God used you mightily @bless you.God bless.

  • Wale says:

    When God is at work, there is unrest for the enemies but His children are in rest, no worries.

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