My family and I were watching the video streaming of the sermon titled Moving By Grace In The Holy Spirit’s Gift.In the message, Pastor Prince mentioned how by the Spirit, he saw among the congregation, someone frantically looking for a wedding ring. My wife and I looked at each other in amazement because I had just lost my ring and was frantically looking for it. He then said specifically that for that person, he saw the ring in the second drawer of the closet caught between some clothing. We immediately went to the drawer and found it.
We watch Pastor Prince every day and have been impacted by the message of grace tremendously. We wanted to share this testimony as it has blown us away since the sermon was from several years ago and yet the word of knowledge that Pastor Prince shared was so spot on.
Thank you, Pastor Prince, for always letting the Holy Spirit lead you with such wonderful words of knowledge and wisdom! We love you.
Fernando Siliezar | Hawaii, United States