Praise Report: Three years of backache gone

It has been three years since I got a backache from working with children in a day care centre. I could feel the pain after working, gardening, and even doing household chores. This affected my daily life.

On Sunday, 5 February 2023, I tuned in to New Creation Church Online. During the service, Pastor Prince said that the Lord was healing people with back pain. I felt faith arise in me. In my spirit, I knew the Lord would heal me. I remember Pastor Prince praying for us. After the prayer, he said, “Now, do things you could not do before.”

So I did all the movements I couldn’t do before. I even bent and touched my toes. There was no pain. I was healed! Hallelujah!

Now, I can do my exercises and perform my daily tasks without any hindrance. I even helped my friend babysit her baby. Glory to Jesus! Thank you, Pastor Prince!

A sister from Canada