About a year and a half ago, I started having pain in my shoulder. It grew progressively worse to the point that I could not continue with some of my regular exercise programs. I also could not dress myself without experiencing pain. I prayed about it and believed God for healing. However, the pain remained.
My wife and I have been listening to Pastor Joseph Prince’s teachings for about four years now. One day, I heard him preach about the importance and desire of drawing closer to Jesus through the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10:38–42.
He emphasized how only “one thing is needed,” which is sitting at Jesus’ feet and hearing His Word.
Although the message wasn’t about healing for my shoulder, I made the commitment to sit at Jesus’ feet daily to hear Him. I made it a priority to hear His word of grace consistently, and to spend time alone with Him and in prayer.
A few months later, I noticed that the pain in my shoulder had eased off and now the pain is completely gone. I can do all things normally with my shoulder again. Praise His wonderful name!
I realized somewhere along the way that I had a sense of not deserving to be healed, and not having enough faith to receive it. But one of the things I found through Pastor Prince’s teachings is that Jesus Himself is my qualification for all the blessings of God. I look to Him, and focus only on Him and not my inadequacies.
Thank you, Pastor Prince, for revealing the true gospel in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and for making it simple enough for all of us to understand.
Peter Morland | Texas, United States