Thank you for bringing the message of grace to us.
I was born in a Christian family, but I’d never fully understood how much God loves me. I used to condemn myself whenever I made a mistake and would feel like the glory of God had departed from me.
However, since I started listening to your CDs and reading your books, my life has changed. I am at peace all the time and am always seeing myself resting in Jesus’ bosom.
Like recently, I was nervous about making a presentation to the senior management in my organization. On my way to the venue, I listened to your sermon, Good Things Happen To People Who Believe That God Loves Them. When I stepped out of the car, I was a different person! I was at peace and after the presentation, the audience applauded and congratulated me for having made an excellent presentation!
All glory to Jesus!
The writer has requested to remain anonymous | South Africa
l now know that Jesus Christ loves me