My husband and I got married in 2003. We started trying for a child seven years later, but I was not able to conceive. After a grueling round of in vitro fertilization (IVF), I conceived in 2014 but tragically lost the baby at fifteen weeks of pregnancy. I was devastated and wanted to end my life. However, the Lord kept me alive, comforted me, and brought me through that season.
I struggled through more rounds of treatment and IVF with no success. Then in 2015, I came across Pastor Joseph Prince’s message about the theme of the year—the year of His restoration. In that message, he shared about his and his wife’s experience with their miscarriage. That message and their testimony were like a balm to my soul.
In August 2015, I conceived again and subsequently gave birth to a healthy baby boy. He arrived three-and-a-half weeks early and seemed a little underweight. Today he is five years old and at the 95 percentile for height. He is tall, handsome, healthy, good-natured, loving, and sweet.
But best of all, when he happened to be in the sanctuary with us during a Sunday service, he responded to the altar call and gave his heart to Jesus at three years old. The gift they prepared for people who received Jesus was only meant for adults, so someone got a children’s Bible for him. The funny thing was, he couldn’t even read at that time. Today he reads the Bible aloud by himself every night. He is every inch a restoration baby!
The Lord continued to show His faithfulness toward us. From before my child was born, I had my heart set on sending him to the best school in our city/state. However, it was a very competitive school to get into and the tuition costs about US$40,000 a year. I had to quit my
job after the baby came, and we found our circumstances challenging and our income greatly reduced. The school was way out of our league.
Miraculously, in 2019, my husband was scouted for a position at the university affiliated with the school. Because he is an employee of the university, my child was given preferential admission as well as a hefty discount in tuition!
Our Lord God is truly the God of all grace. There is no limit to His kindness!
Anne G | Illinois, United States