Praise Report: Restoration of Mom’s Relationship with Daughters

I am writing on behalf of my mom, Trish, who lives in a dementia unit. For her birthday, I gave her the books Destined to Reign and Eating Your Way to Wholeness (a book on the Holy Communion), along with crackers. She started reading the Holy Communion book and partaking of the Holy Communion every day.

My mom was stuck in the old covenant after belonging to a cult for many years. But only about two weeks after partaking of the Communion, she got the revelation that Jesus’ sacrifice has paid the price for her healing and wholeness in every area.

At first, she couldn’t understand Destined to Reign, but once she got the revelation, the book opened up to her. She now treasures and reads it every day, hanging on to every word. She holds it like a teddy bear at night because she said it soothes her.

My sisters have not visited my mom regularly for years, maybe once or twice a year. My mom partakes of the Communion twice every day and finds in the Communion book how important it is to proclaim the death of Christ. She started doing this over my sisters and saw in the Scriptures that this dismantled the powers of darkness.

Amazingly, both my sisters started visiting her. My older sister even realized how loving and positive our mom is. My sister admitted this to me and said she would visit our mum more often, which was a miracle.

My mom is so thankful to Pastor Prince for the books.

Karen | New Zealand