A month ago, I had to do a classroom teaching demonstration. A representative from the state department (for the first time) came to our school. I had prepared well to the point of writing a script, practicing in front of an empty classroom and praying so hard the night before.
The result from my point of view: I failed. I used to have mental blocks when I was a student. I had long overcome it but that day, it came back. I cried so hard and questioned God.
A month later, I received word that the same ladies would observe my class again but this time, I had just embraced the wisdom imparted by Pastor Prince from the book I had just finished reading.
For the first time in my life, I embraced the Covenant of Grace. I fully understood the perfect love God has for us, trusting in the leading of the Holy Spirit and really live one day at a time.
I understood what it meant to be Jesus Christ conscious and not sin conscious. I understood what it meant to rest on Jesus Christ, to be the righteousness of God in Jesus.
Another teacher asked me, “What are they coming back for? Why are they observing the same teachers?” In my heart, I knew the answer. God wanted them back for me.
The night before the class observation. I asked God if there was something I needed to do to prepare. I did not find anything in my heart and was asleep at 7 p.m. At 3 a.m. I woke up. Again, I asked God if there was anything I needed to do for the observation that morning. Nothing. I went online, listened to the sermons of Pastor Prince, read the Bible, played Christian music.
Before, I got up, I asked God, “Would you please tell me again how much you love me?” He answered me with John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” God indeed is so real.
I went to class and all I had was a topic based on my week’s lesson plan. I had no idea how I would conduct my class. I opened the Bible on my desk and asked God if again I needed to do anything. Still nothing. Skimming through some pages and remembering the memory verse given to me earlier, I knew I was going to start with the word “love”.
The ladies came in. I began to teach, led by the Greatest teacher, Jesus Christ. At the end of the lesson, I think you can guess what happened. They told me that they were very impressed with the way I had handled the students and the lesson.
They admired my enthusiasm and how the students were all so involved and complimented on my teaching strategies.
They asked how did I do it and I just smiled and said, “It comes from the heart.” It was Jesus there with me doing the teaching. This experience was like taking that step out of the boat to walk on the waters. Since then, I have not stressed over preparing my lessons but have experienced abundant rest letting the Lord lead me. I just keep my focus on the Source of all knowledge – Jesus.
Thank you Jesus!
Felicia Madronal | Florida, United States