Praise Report: Received God’s Restoration of Two Healthy Baby Girls

My husband and I had been trying for a baby since we got married. When I didn’t conceive even after a year, we decided to seek medical help.

The doctor said it would be almost impossible for us to conceive naturally, and advised us to start on a fertility treatment. It came with uncomfortable side effects, but I stuck with it thinking I would get pregnant by the end of it. When I still didn’t conceive after four cycles of treatment, I felt hopeless. We were offered other options but we decided to take a break on this fertility journey.

During this time, I was a “backslidden” Christian and my husband was a non-believer. But God did not forget about us. I chanced upon Pastor Prince’s daily devotionals and was encouraged by them. I subscribed to them online and shared them with my husband too.

A few months later, we went on a vacation together. I remember telling God about my desire to have a child, but the dates for our trip didn’t quite line up with my monthly cycle. Nevertheless, I didn’t think too much about it and simply enjoyed quality time with my husband.

After the vacation, I discovered I was pregnant! Our baby girl arrived in December 2012 and we couldn’t be more grateful to God. Truly, what is impossible with man is possible with God.

Two years later, my husband told me he wanted to find a church for our family. This was surprising as he had always been resistant toward church and Christianity. I suggested New Creation Church (Singapore) and he agreed! I believe this was because he was familiar with Pastor Prince’s daily devotionals.

On Sunday that week, we attended our first church service as a family and enjoyed ourselves. My husband decided that we should return every week and we’ve never looked back since. Unbeknownst to him, his decision fulfilled my heart’s desire to attend church as a family regularly. Praise the Lord!

By the end of the year, we felt ready to try for a second child. It became one of our prayer requests for the new year ahead. I got pregnant the following year but our joy was short-lived when I went through not one, but two miscarriages. I was devastated.

Despite a series of blood tests, the doctors could not find the cause for the miscarriages. I went to church with a heavy heart and asked God for a word of encouragement. That day, Pastor Prince shared about his wife’s miscarriage for the first time and gave a word of prophecy—that some people in the congregation would be holding a baby in their arms by the following year. I received this word by faith as tears streamed down my face. I knew God had heard my cry.

Within the year, I became pregnant. Then I saw a broadcast of Pastor Prince praying for people who had lost children before. This brought peace into my heart and I believed I was carrying a champion baby—God’s restoration to me and my husband.

In July 2016, we welcomed our second baby girl into this world. Despite the doctor’s negative report from the start, God has given us two wonderful daughters without medical intervention. All praise and glory to Jesus!

Andrea Chew | Singapore