Praise Report: Pains Gone After Rebuking the Conditions

On Sunday, April 7, 2024, I tuned in to the 8.30 p.m. online service. That day, Pastor Prince was speaking on healing and sharing scriptures for us to hold on to. I immediately took a snapshot of the verses to save them in my folder.

I was also hoping to receive my healing as the left side of my head and neck had been hurting for months. I had gone to the doctor, but they were unable to determine the cause of it and had arranged for me to undergo a scan to investigate further.

During the sermon, I think I felt slightly better, but the pain was still there. After the service, I sat down on my bed, put my hands on my head and neck where it hurt, and repeated what Pastor Prince had said earlier, “In the name of Jesus, I rebuke this head and neck pain. In Jesus’ name, I pray.”

Then, I came out of my room and felt something in me telling me to pray over my mom, who had been recently experiencing discomfort and pain in her chest area.

I told my mom to stand as I wanted to pray over her. I repeated the same words, “In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the chest pain, the hurt, any growth, muscle injury, stress, whatever is causing the pain, in Jesus’ name I pray.” I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as I did that.

After the prayer, my mom went to bed and when I checked on myself, I noticed the pain in my neck and head was gone! I was so happy because months of suffering from it was not easy.

The next evening, I asked my mom how she felt, and she said that there was no pain in her chest, too! Praise the Lord!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for sharing the scriptures and reminding me and teaching me how to pray for the sick!