I’ve had very bad panic and anxiety attacks since I was about twelve or thirteen years old. When I was fourteen, I was put on Xanax, a narcotic pill that is very addictive. Through all those years, I prayed and believed God could heal me. But I was very fearful of God. I was told that I would be sorry on judgment day because of all my sins. So I stayed away from church.
I first heard God speak to me at the age of thirty-one. At that time, I had fearful thoughts and suffered chest pains and dizziness. I was so scared to travel I did not leave my house for about a year. I felt like the man in the Bible who cut himself and hid among the tombs. It was a scary time for me.
God told me countless times to listen to Joseph Prince. Finally, I searched for him online and started listening to his sermons, which left me speechless and crying. I had never heard the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
I heard a clip of his sermon on the Holy Communion. As I said, I was on Xanax for anxiety. God spoke to me on how to receive the Communion in place of taking Xanax. I did not come off Xanax right away. It took about a year and a half. I would cut off some of the pill and partake of the Communion daily, declaring, “As Your brain is, so is mine in this world.” Now I am thirty-four with no more panic attacks and have been free of Xanax for two years. All glory to Jesus! I also started going to church with my wife and children.
One day before church, my left testicle hurt so badly I went to the emergency room. They checked me and said it was a cyst. Before surgery I asked my wife to get me some crackers and juice from the hospital cafeteria. I told her that we were going to receive the Communion and believe in faith that the cyst would disappear supernaturally. I did not want doctors cutting my testicles.
So we partook of the Communion while waiting for the doctors to come and get me for surgery. When the doctors came, I requested that they check me again. And I thank my Abba that they found nothing. The cyst was gone!
My family and I watch Joseph Prince on The WORD Network every morning, and we love to partake of the Communion after listening to the sermon. I have also seen many of my family and friends changed because of Joseph Prince’s teachings that I share with them. May God bless him more and more every day and in every way!
Joel Aranda | New Mexico, United States
Thank God for the testimony of others, so that is what the bible says, I have pain in my right leg and hip.MRI’s found nothing, yet I’m in pain, don’t want surgery, or to take these drugs Please come in agreement with me for healing
Thank you for these powerful testimonies nd is the first time i see them.Please pray for me nd my family to be delivered nd be transformed please we newd God’s intervention in our lives nd i was saved before but i feel guilty everytime nd unhappy nd my children are becoming worse of drug addicts
Awesome testimony Joel. I have been taking the communion daily for the past 2 years or more and have been experiencing wholeness in my body and life.
I thank God for the revelation through a friend who connected me to pastor Joseph Prince
I first saw Pastor Prince in Dec 2017 on TBN as soon as I saw him I knew he had a message for me and when I heard his message that day I thanked God for sending me a messenger. My first conviction was knowing Jesus as my Healer and the power of communion; I take rice cake and water every day as I worship, read and meditate on the glory of God. I have been healed from lumps, bumps,pain, dizzyiness,worry,fear, inconfidence, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, without medication. All my scans and MRI turned out normal. At aged 71, I am forgiven, healed, made whole, delivered, preserved, sanctified and anointed to live until Jesus comes. And I want to meet my favourite Pastor before Jesus comes. Just to have a big hug of God’s Grace,grace.Amen.
I am touching and agreeing with you for your healing in the name of Jesus. Amen. By His stripes you are healed.
I desperately need prayers with the addiction of smoking cigarettes. Please stand in the gap for my complete adduction in Jesus Name.
My husband has been told he has a spot on his liver. He is to have an MRI soon, please agree with me and him that when they look they shall not find it according to Isaiah 41:12.
Can somebody please keep me in prayer as I’m taking communion doctors gave me very bad reports on my heart and I need the communion to do the supernatural miraculous power in my heart such as the Lord Jesus Christ ❤️ is whole and healed and healthy so it’s mines in this world the devil is trying to bring doubt and unbelief inside of me please keep me in prayer right now as in reading the book and partaking of communion daily thank you pastor Joseph Prince for receiving the wisdom and knowledge through the holy Spirit as you are blessing millions of people all around the world keep up the great work of God amen and amen