I began reading the book Live the Let-Go Life early last year after watching Joseph Prince on television. The stress and anxiety I was under at that time drew me to listen to Joseph Prince and his message of God’s grace and freedom. My stress and anxiety were triggered by moving my elderly parents out of the family home, as well as from situations at work. I also had a long-time fear of driving on the interstate highways.
For about eighteen years, I had problems sleeping the night before leaving on long road trips. This caused me to use back roads instead. It was always a struggle to drive, but I continued even in my anxiety and pain.
After reading the book and then constantly meditating on the Scriptures, especially Philippians 2:13, my life changed. I had planned a trip out to a big city that would normally take me about ten hours or more using back roads. But it only took me eight because I had used the interstate highways.
When I reached the major interstate in Atlanta, I drove right in the middle on the interstate without an ounce of anxiety or fear. This was absolutely amazing and I was rejoicing. I also had no fear the day prior to the road trip. I slept normally the night before and did not experience anxiety while driving. I asked the Lord what was different and He showed me that it was because I have chosen to put the past behind, listen to His voice, and look forward.
I have learned to believe the promises of God and how much He desires to bless me. I did not even expect this to happen, but I just rested in His promises as I’ve learned from Joseph’s teaching. Spending more time in the Word and listening to many faith-filled sermons have allowed my mind to be gradually transformed. Now stress and anxiety are leaving.
Anonymous | Florida, United States
PRAISE THE LORD INDEED!!! GOD did it for her, HE Can also do it for me. I don’t drive a car. But I do have anxieties about my job. So many mistakes I have made to the point of giving up and change profession. I need a miracle.
Am really encouraged by this. I was suffering from the same thing.