I had been suffering from whiplash due to a car accident almost a decade ago when my car was hit by a truck from the rear. It affected my C4 and C5 vertebrae, causing me to have constant neck pain.
On bad days, I would feel nauseous and suffer from migraines. I also experienced sharp pain whenever I moved my neck.
During the service on Sunday, 21 July 2024, at The Star Performing Arts Centre, Pastor Prince ministered healing and called out various joint conditions. As I was watching for people who raised their hands, I suddenly felt the burden on my neck lighten.
Then, I realised all the pain in my neck was gone! I had never felt so light and free turning my head in a really long time. I was so amazed and thankful. I wanted to raise my hand but was too timid to do so. However, I told myself I would go home and pen down this testimony the same day.
Thank you, Pastor Prince, for faithfully preaching God’s Word. I am so blessed to call New Creation Church my home church.
A sister from Singapore