Praise Report: Lost Ring Recovered, Received Extra Pension Payment

Some time ago, I submitted a prayer request asking the Lord to help us find my husband’s wedding ring. I also shared our desire to be debt-free. We searched through several Christmas boxes we had put away on the day the wedding ring went missing. The last box we searched was the box that contained our Christmas tree. To our delight, the wedding ring was found on one of the tree branches. We are so grateful!

When we first realized the ring was missing, I recalled the parable of the woman and the lost coin. We swept through each room. I remember thinking how much I wanted to be as excited as the woman finding the lost coin. We both experienced that rejoicing when we found the ring. Thank You, Jesus, for Your amazing love!

On the day we found the ring, we also received a pension payment of $1,800 above and beyond what we usually receive. We received a letter several weeks ago stating that we may receive an additional payment if we qualified for it. When we didn’t receive it on January 1, I assumed we were not eligible.

I love how our loving Lord raises our hope toward Him and supplies all our needs according to His riches. HALLELUJAH! Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your ministry that always points us to our Lord Jesus.

Catherine Meyer | Illinois, United States