The changes in my life started ever since I fed on the truths you taught. I now have a joy and appreciation for life that I have never since my teen years and I am in my 50s. I have a permeating peace that manifests in every area of my life—from parenting to my finances to my health.
Initially, when I started listening to you, I did not believe what you taught regarding holiness, fullness of blessings and righteousness through faith in the finished work of Christ. When I got sick and bedridden, I continued to watch you as I was unable to do more. You supported your teachings with scriptures and evidences from the Old Testament. I began to realize that what you were teaching was true. I began to read the Gospels and epistles with an enlightened mind and could clearly see that you were presenting the gospel.
Once I embraced these truths, my physical condition began to change. I was suffering from a spinal cord and disc injury for which there was no cure. Spine specialists refused to operate on me unless I came to the stage when part of my body became paralyzed, which is the usual course of events. I had been in a state of pain and was physically incapacitated for more than two years.
Since feeding on your teachings, I have regained use of my body and most of the previously excruciating pain has subsided. Now, I am able to relax and be confident and trust in the willingness and availability of the power and grace of God to heal me. This came as a result of increased faith, the elimination of condemnation, an understanding of the Holy Communion and an increased awareness of God’s love for me.
I have also been freed from a 10-year habit of smoking cigarettes. I used to only smoke at night just before going to bed in order to calm my nerves. I tried for years to break the habit but could not. I always felt so guilty for having such a weakness. Once I realized that God did not hold my weakness against me and that He accepted me unconditionally and would still bless me, I let go of all the worry and struggle over my habit. I began to remain in a state of calm.
A few months later, I was able to quit smoking. It’s as if the habit was effortlessly removed from my life like it just dropped off of me. I know it was the Spirit of God working in me to perfect me and give me the power to no longer crave for cigarettes.
My life has been transformed. The gospel is what this world is hungry for and much in need of. I have been a believer for more than 25 years and have never heard it presented the way you teach it. Thank you for everything. Keep awakening the world to the love and grace of God, as well as the hope of salvation, blessing and glory in Christ Jesus. God bless!
Pat | Ohio, United States