Pastor Prince, I am thirty-six years old and suffered from an extreme sleep disorder for around five years. It would worsen with time and I was not able to sleep for even an hour without medication. At times I needed several tablets to be able to rest.
I started partaking of the Holy Communion as taught by you. I don’t know exactly when I was healed, but after about six months, I started being able to sleep. And for more than a month now, I have been able to sleep without medication.
Your teaching has helped to heal my soul. It has removed fear, misconceptions, and so much wrong believing.
I cannot thank you enough and am so grateful to God for you. Thank you for bringing the message of God’s grace, hope, and love to a world in need. I pray for God’s richest blessings on you, your family, and your ministry.
Preeti Prabhakar | Canada
Pastor Josephrince, I’m Indonesian 51 years old. I lost my job since few months ago and I started new years with no hope. I am so scarry to face future as now both of my children neer huge finance to cover they school and college fee.
I cant sleep whole nite, I have try to pray everysingle hours.
Would you please pray for me for u can be strengthen and word from you for i can be put my hope in Jesus alone.
Thank you God bless you.
I have learn to know how lord Christ Jesus loves me by your preaching , god continue to use you to bless more and more people of the lord. amen