Praise Report: Healed of Psoriasis

About two years ago, I suffered from a skin condition called psoriasis. For a year it was spreading over my hands and feet. My skin would bleed, and it was itchy and painful.

I tried all sorts of medications without success. Then I began to listen to Pastor Prince’s sermons. In one of them, he shared about a lady who, after undergoing a second mammogram, was cleared of any lumps in her breasts, as she had declared that as Jesus does not have lumps in His breasts, neither did she.

From that time on, I discontinued all my medications and started professing, “As Jesus Christ is, so am I in this world. He has no psoriasis and neither do I.” I declared this truth over my life several times every day to remind myself of who I am in Christ Jesus.

Soon, I noticed that my condition was much better. There was no bleeding and no itching. Within two months, I was completely healed of the skin disease.

All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ now and forever.

Shalaka Shere | India


  • Mildred says:

    After reading these testimony. Im believing God for supernatural healing from gastric as im writing im in pain .i will testify one day. My God is a faith God. Amen.

  • Tendai KCN says:

    I’m tapping into Shalaka Shere’s healing anointing in the name of Jesus & thank God for my complete healing from Psoriasis. As Jesus Christ is in this world, so am I, He has no psoriasis & neither do I.

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