Praise Report: Healed Of Depression

For twenty-five years, I had been battling with major depression. I would be in and out of the hospital for suicidal thoughts or attempts. I almost died three years ago, during one of those attempts when I took prescription pain medication and drank alcohol to wash them down. I knew I was really missing something in my life.

Just recently, I underwent surgery that caused me to stay home from work for about five weeks. During this time, a friend of mine introduced me to Pastor Prince’s ministry. I started watching his broadcasts and soon this void in my heart was filled with God’s grace! I also bought Pastor Prince’s Healing Promises book and read it. That book changed my life.

The Lord put it in my heart to get off the medication for depression. At first, I was in disbelief that He wanted me to do that but I followed His leading and gradually went off the meds.

Now, I am living a full life with Jesus!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your wonderful ministry. You are a blessing to all who tune in.

Mary Schott | Minnesota, United States

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