For almost 30 years, I was a prisoner of the law of the old covenant and was under harsh teachings from the pulpit. About 10 years ago, I made a decision to leave church after which I felt so lost and was almost driven to despair because of a guilt-ridden mind.
I spent so much time watching TV evangelists and buying many of their resources of which many were good. Yet, I still felt so unsatisfied…until I watched a DVD titled, Condemnation Kills But The Spirit Gives Life. I could not believe what I was hearing and was driven with an extreme urgency to hear more. Since this day 18 months ago, I have bought many CDs and DVDs of Pastor Prince’s messages. The desire to learn more about God’s love and goodness has intensified to the point where I know I am totally and hopelessly addicted to this amazing wonderful message of grace.
In the past, I lived my life with fear, secretly loathing myself because of my “sinfulness” and distancing myself from a god who seemed so cruel and unkind. I was so convinced that I was not good enough and would never be good enough for the god I was indoctrinated with.
But because of God speaking so powerfully to me through Pastor Prince’s messages, there is now a growing hope, confidence and insatiable desire to experience the deepest intimate relationship with my heavenly Father and big brother, Jesus.
Hence, I have given and loaned these resources to many different people.
Recently, I had lunch with a friend and gave her some CDs. As I got to my car to go to another friend’s place to give her some CDs, I felt a very heavy and dark oppressiveness come upon me. I knew that I had to get rid of this feeling so I chose to listen to Pastor Prince’s CD message, How To Walk In The Blessings Of Abraham, while I drove.
As the weather conditions were quite wet, I was focusing intently on driving carefully and within the designated speed limit. Nearing my friend’s house, I rounded a sweeping bend and the back wheel of my car dropped over the shoulder of the bitumen. As I brought the wheel back onto the road, because of the slippery conditions, the car went into a slide and I knew I had lost control.
I saw a tree looming in front of me and I heard in my mind, “God can’t help you now.” I was only able to get out the words “God please” when the car slammed into the tree. The force of the impact spun the car around violently and then hurled it airborne to the other side of the road. At one point, I felt myself being held firmly into the contour of the seat. I was aware of what was happening and yet I felt so calm and at peace.
Later, people were amazed that I had no visible injuries.
I did have pain in my back. This caused the paramedics to think that I could have sustained a spinal injury. But different X-rays and scans revealed that everything was okay. Before being released from the hospital, the doctors told me to be vigilant and careful considering it was a high-impact crash and also because I am 65 years of age.
That night, I felt so excited and thankful that my Daddy God reached out and held me so tightly in what was a humanly hopeless situation. And yes, I did get the CDs to my friend the next day.
Thank you Pastor Prince for allowing God to liberate me through your messages. I love you so very deeply.
Sylvia Albury | Australia
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