It was only by listening to Pastor Prince day after day that the truth finally clicked. He always taught that righteousness is a gift. In one of his messages, he urged listeners to say the word “gift” three times. We would listen to this constantly and finally it clicked for us that righteousness is a gift, a FREE GIFT that we could receive.
The Bible also says that children are a gift from God. When God helped us to put these two truths together, the baby came and we received our child from our heavenly Father!
We are proud parents of a little boy. God is a good Father and He remains faithful. Thank you, Pastor Prince, for bringing God’s Word so clearly and simply to us. We are eternally grateful!
Anonymous | South Africa
Muchas Gracias DIOS por tu incomparable PALABRA, por tu gran amor y por tu bella GRACIA.
Gracias por el cuidado del pastor Prince, por todo lo que estamos aprendiendo de tu bendita e inagotable Gracia y por las bendiciones que siguen fluyendo hacia cada uno de tus Hijos.