Praise Report: Free Of Bad Eating Habits, Losing Weight Effortlessly

I had been struggling with my weight for a number of years. Last year, I lost 15kg through a lot of hard work and discipline, but gained it all back again after I stopped putting in the same effort. It was very frustrating.

Then, I got to know about Jesus and joined a grace-based church in the middle of last year. My life changed when I learned about the Lord’s unending love and grace toward me, my righteous identity in Him, and how I can rest in His finished work.

By God’s grace, I started noticing that food and sugar had a strong hold on me.

So I started praying for strength to break this addiction and to resist this voice in my head which frequently convinced me to eat sugar, chocolate, and cookies. I also tried proclaiming my righteousness in Christ.

However, nothing changed and my frustration grew. My eating habits remained the same and my weight did not reduce, until I read Pastor Prince’s Daily Grace Inspiration titled God Is Your Strength. It was a complete turning point for me.

I thought I knew all about resting in the finished work of Christ, but it wasn’t so. I had been believing that it wasn’t “polite” (and that it wasn’t right) to let God do all the work.

I thought I should at least help Him out a little by focusing on my diet and buying only healthy groceries to avoid snacking.

As a result, my so-called “rest” was indeed hard work and I had left no room for God to intervene.

Then I asked God, “Do you really mean that I can stop [trying to lose weight] completely?” And He said, “Yes, I want you to rest and stop trying—not even a little bit. Just hands off and don’t intervene.”

That was my moment of complete submission to Him! Like what Pastor Prince’s daily devotional said: “I cannot, but God can”.

From that day on, I have been completely and effortlessly delivered from my addiction to food and sugar. Chocolate and cookies no longer have a hold on me. You can even put cake in front of me and I couldn’t care less.

I lost more than 2kg in ten days and I believe this process will go on until I reach a healthy weight. I also believe I will remain healthy and be able to maintain my ideal weight by the grace of God.

All thanks to the remarkable work of Jesus! Praise the Lord and thank you so much, Pastor Prince, for sending the Word and gospel truth into this world. It has set me free!

The writer has requested to remain anonymous | Netherlands

1 Comment

  • neha says:

    I am so inspired by this testimony…. I am also struggling with this weight problem but after reading this, not anymore..
    because I CANNOT BUT MY ABBA CAN!!!!

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