I started experimenting with drugs and alcohol at fifteen years old. I got kicked out of school for drinking and was arrested for drugs at nineteen. I lived my life that way until I was thirty-eight. I have been to a couple of treatment centers but have never been able to quit for any substantial length of time. Even when I did stop for a few months, it was difficult every single day. I was never free. It was even ironic that my drug of choice was painkillers. Looking back, I see why. I was miserable and I could not make it through the day without using them.
I grew up in a Christian home and I thought I knew Jesus. I called myself a Christian and would have told you that I believed in Jesus, but I always had my doubts, to be honest. In January 2014, my life was so bad I decided I had to get away. I had no job, no money, and my personal life was at an all-time low. I found a holistic treatment center in Florida that would take me. It was cold in Arkansas so I thought why not? It was going to be like a vacation.
My mother had given me a copy of Pastor Prince’s book, The Power of Right Believing. I took the book, my Bible, a suitcase, and left. While in detox, I started to read Pastor Prince’s book. His words began to really connect with my spirit. I was hearing the gospel, instead of what I had always heard in church. I knew I had hold of something real. My new focus was on Jesus, not all the rules, condemnation, dos and don’ts. It was about grace and the real meaning of righteousness and healing. It was like a light shined bright!
However, even though I wanted to profess my righteousness in Christ, I was in a holistic treatment center where I was supposed to introduce myself this way: “I am Troy, I am an addict.”
Nonetheless, I had been believing and telling myself that I am righteous in Christ. I also kept confessing that I was healed and as He is so are we in this world, about five hundred times a day. I quoted Scripture through all of the centre’s yoga, hypnosis, ancient sweat lodge, blessings, and meditation sessions. My faith grew so much, despite the opposition, it was unreal! I knew very early on that I had been delivered! And I am proud to say that I have been clean for ten months now, without even a cigarette.
After my treatment, I decided it was best for me to stay in Florida. I had only one hundred dollars to my name and just the clothes on my back. The first thing I did was to look for a church that had the word grace in its name. I found one, but because I went on a weekday, nobody there was able to help me. However, when I left the parking lot, I saw a car dealership and stopped to apply for a job. I got hired instantly. Later, a halfway house also took me in. They did not charge me a penny. In fact, they gave me money and food.
Now, I have a nice car that is paid for, a wonderful apartment with furnishings, and many more blessings—too many to count! I attend a new church in West Palm Beach and I have been asked to lead a study group. All of this happened in the span of ten months!
Pastor Prince, I want to thank you for writing The Power of Right Believing. It has changed my life. I no longer attend twelve-step meetings, I no longer have any desire for drugs, and I no longer call myself an addict or alcoholic. I have been healed! I love my Jesus!
The writer has requested to remain anonymous | Florida, United States
Pray for me man of i have high blood presure im on medcation for 10yrs i have faith when u pray for me au be heald
I pray that my friend be healed too. He’s been fighting drug addiction for a long. Anws, thank you for sharing this inspiring story.